Friday, August 26, 2011

SSPX Superior Warns Against Speculation About Meeting in Vatican

Edit: More news from Not the most friendly to the Society of St. Pius X, but they have reported this from the French District

Previously circulating rumors about the possibility of the formal recognition of the Society of St. Pius X

Paris ( General Superior of the Society of St. Pius X, [Bishop] Bernard Fellay, is warning against speculation about the meeting in Rome in the middle of September. He knows only that it is only to discuss the doctrinal talks, which the Society had held with the Holy See, says French District Superior of the Society, [Father] Regis de Cacqueray, on the internet from a speech of +Fellay. The General Superior continued on this with the following: "Everything else is only speculation." +Fellay also pled on this, "not to run after rumors".

+Fellay and his assistants, Niklaus Pfluger and Alain-Marc Nely are going to meet with the Prefect of the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal William Joseph Levada. This was previously released by the German District Superior, Father Franz Schmidberger. Father Schmidberger explained that "it is generally assumed that this meeting will turn to the Society's position with respect to canon law."

According to reports given by Vatican observers and their speculation, that the Holy See plans on offering the Society its own canonical status. Informed circles also think it possible that it will be similar structure to the arrangement which united incoming the Anglicans to the Catholic Church.

The previous doctrinal discussions between the Vatican and the Society of Pius X [they say Lefebvrists] to various contested contents of the Catholic Magisterium [sic]. This will revolve, above all, on the central questions of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). At first, when this problem is clarified, the Vatican will hold a briefing about the theme of the canonical regularization of the Society.
Observers agree that it will be the next step to a formal recognition of the agreement on the side of the Society.

The Society of Saint Pius X was founded in 1969 by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, refused the central Church reforms of the 20th Century. It is not recognized by the Vatican. Pope Benedict XVI. lifted the excommunications in January of 2009 in order to begin a dialog with the group.

Copyright 2011 Katholische Presseagentur, Wien, Österreich

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