Saturday, August 6, 2011

Protestors Challenge Liberal Archdiocesan Church Closing Plan

Edit:  The very expensive Archdiocesan Communications Director,  Dennis McGrath, addressed a group of people protesting today in front of St. Paul's Catheral in front of the chancery about the closing of their Church.  There were Polish flags flown and people were understandably upset.  It would be nice if they got upset when priests taught heresy.  It's actually kind of disturbinb in a way too, because the people's ire is primarily directed at a decision which affected them negatively, and that's all.   They don't care about McGrath's statement that the closing was necessitated because of demographic shifts.  But then, all we know about what they're saying is from the anti-Catholic newspaper, also.

The parish in question is a fairly conservative one, but you won't find that discussed in this local, left, anti-Catholic Star and Tribune .  You may hear Dennis McGrath insist that parishes had to be closed because of demography, but that certainly wasn't the case with St. Augustine's which operated in the black.  Perhaps this would have been a good time to close, St. Francis Cabrini with its pro-Homosexual pastor and put him on retirement? 

You also won't hear that the man who managed the parish closing process, Father John Bauer, is pastor of one of the most dissident parishes in the entire Archdiocese, the Basilica of St. Mary's, which frequently in the past has featured speakers opposed to Catholic teaching, a homosexual promoting block party and even had a Rabbi speak this last Good Friday.

Long Live the Republic
All of this is met with almost complete indifference on the part of the Archdiocesan Staff.  It's not even mentioned, but meanwhile, the daughters of hard working Polish immigrants and their husbands will have to go to Mass somewhere else.

[Star and Tribune] Hoisting red-and-white Polish flags and photos of Pope John Paul II, about 50 Roman Catholics gathered in the shadow of the St. Paul Cathedral Saturday morning.

They were protesting the decision by the leaders of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis leaders to close 21 parishes, a move the leaders say was prompted by finances and demographics.

It was the first public pushback against the closing plan, featuring almost exclusively members of the Church of the Holy Cross, a northeast Minneapolis parish that has served Polish-Americans for 125 years, including with Polish-language masses.

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