Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Murder or Dogma, Lord Archbishop Woelki?

Edit: Berlin's new Bishop has some difficulties with Humanae Vitae.

Whoever is unclear about the effect of the anti-baby-pill, can be informed by 'Bayer Leverkusen'. by Markus Miller

(kreuz.net) The birth control and abortion industry have succeeded in their work.

Their ideology is hammered so deeply into the heads of people, that even its babblings can be heard from people who should know better.

At the request of the propaganda sheets of the abortion lobby, the Berlin news 'taz', Archbishop Rainer Maria Woelki said briefly:

"The prohibition against the pill is not a Dogma."

The False Prophet Father Karl Rahner

Msgr. Woelki has already publicly cited the left-Liberal Theologian, Karl Rahner († 1984).

This one was interviewed on September 1968 by the politically left, kiosk magazine 'Der Spiegel".

At that point Father Rahner also said that the prohibition against the pill through the encyclical 'Humanae Vitae' of Paul VI. († 1978) was only provisional and reformable.

With his dampening formulation allows Msgr Woelki to give the impression, as if the subject of the pill is still awaiting the last word to be spoken, and that the prohibition need not be taken seriously.

What must the youth make of this right now?

Implantation Will be Prevented

Let's turn from theological classifications and go to the website of the firm "Bayer" from its HQ in Rhenish Leverkusen.

This company is one of the largest participants in the money grubbing contraception and abortion industry worldwide.

It boasts the slam dunk effectiveness of its contraceptive pills:

"They generate alterations in the endometrial hyperplasia. So even in the unlikely event that an egg is fertilized and released, its implantation is prevented."

From Ten to Twenty Percent

As Archbishop Woelki knows, life begins at conception.

Children aren't just killed by the "morning after" and abortion pill.

Even the well-known anti-baby-pill kills a defenseless child if the contraceptive effect of the pill fails.

In the "improbable event" that the pill fails in preventing the release of the egg, but whose implantation is not subsequently prevented, occurs according to the estimates of experts in ten to twenty percent of the monthly cycles.

Taking a contraceptive pill over a time period of a year can result then in an average of about one to two abortions in the early stages of pregnancy.

Link to kreuz,net...

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