Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Archdiocese of Freiburg Links to Germany's Planned Parenthood

Edit: Cologne's doing it too.

The organization has a Nazi back ground.  It doesn't just abuse children, but kills them as well.  It's not a problem for the spineless church of decadence.

(kreuz.net, Freiburg) The Archbishopric of Freiburg links to the German Child Butcher Company, 'pro familia'.

The scandalous link is located on the website of the alleged 'Marriage, Family and Life Counseling of the Archdiocese of Freiburg'.

They put their perversion under the domain name 'ehe-familie-lebensberatung.de'.

The Church Advisory Society is according to its own description, "the psychological and spiritual counseling service of the Archdiocese of Freiburg'.

In the top "links" there it is without any commentary, simple and fatal:

"Pro Familia Counseling Office in Freiburg"

Even the Umbrella Organization Collaborates with the Enemy

The ecclesiastical Marriage Counselor in Freiburg is a member of the Organization 'Catholic National Conference for Marriage, Families and Life Counseling" -- the nationwide umbrella organization of the German Bishops Conference.

This umbrella cooperates in any case with the child murdering 'prof familia' namely though its membership in the organization of "German Work Circle for Marriage, Youth and Family Counseling'.

The general managemnt of the work circle is handled by the National .Association of 'pro familia'

That is the Intimate Enemy of the Church and of Life

The association 'pro familia' is the founding member of the International Abortion Concern 'International Planned Parenthood Federation'.

The first president and founder of 'pro familia' was the former National Socialist Populist and Racist Hans Harmsen († 1989).

'Pro familia' maintains the "fundamental right" of the mother to murder her own child.

The formation is part of a world wide agitating string pulling organization of the international abortion industry.

In Germany 'pro familia' operates countless child slaughter houses among others in Rüsselsheim, Bremen, Saarbrücken, Mainz, Kassel and Berlin.

The society of 'pro familia' is also a leading propagandist for depravity and immorality in Germany.

Link ...

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