Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Sky’S The Limit With Satellite Internet

The earliest human civilizations looked to the sky for meaning, trying to figure out what existed outside the earth's surface. Curiosity in celestial objects like the moon and the stars led to the creation of astronomy, one of the oldest sciences, which has emerged even before recorded history. centuries, people have studied the universe, try to made ​​easier with the invention of the telescope in the 17th century. Some dreamed of space exploration, and writers such as Jules Verne portrays a fictional space travel in his work in the late 19th century. However, few people imagined that in the 20 century, these dreams will become reality and transform the human relationship to external space.

In 1957, symbolizes the beginning of this new space age, like the year that Sputnik became the first man-made ​​satellite to orbit the Earth. interest in space programs increases and the first animals, then human beings have been rocketed into the sky. Cooperation between countries and become a very important and treaties governing outer space had now been signed. These agreements emphasize that the space outside of each country's national sovereignty and it is common to all mankind.

Since that time, the spacecraft had traveled far into the universe and deepened our knowledge of distant galaxies. However, it's objects in space much closer to home that have a major impact on our daily lives. Thousands of human-made ​​satellites now rotate our planet, hundreds of transmission of information that deepens our knowledge and services gives us every day.

One such service is satellite Internet, one that has only recently become available for the average person. satellites are sent into geostationary orbit, which means that the orbit of the Earth rotation speed and stay in the same land mass. signal travels over 22,000 miles to a satellite and then back into the country, captured the small dish on your house. dish must be positioned to the south, with a clear view of the sky, which allows acquisition of signals and provide satellite services in your home online.

The Internet is truly international, a place that connects people in the United States in Europe, Asia and beyond. When you go online you will leave behind a land border and enter the global space. Therefore, it seems entirely fitting that the largest "network of networks - the Internet - can be accessed via satellite which is located in the outer space outside the boundaries of any country.

Satellite is just one way to go online and become part of the international community. other options that provide high speed connections are DSL and cable. However, both these options are limited in scope, and they leave the rural population and many people in the loop. Satellite Internet corrects this imbalance, offering the possibility that anyone, virtually anywhere in the world.

Satellite broadband therefore most worth what the internet: a global network of networks With this service, you can connect with the international community in the most universal of all the ways


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