"in the pit Void"
Part II
Seven years after the professor died, Malta news paper reads as follows:
"prison fallen angels, and hybrid-demon some [half human, half spirit] is open today. Coming from the deep abyss of black holes, the locusts with scorpion tails sting of humanity. Their job is to terrorize people, kill at will, if not filed, if he does not have the label of the Little Horn, the Beast, the dictator of the world, one we were waiting, we'll survive? .. These evil angels, and the demon came out of a hole in the crowd, hungry for the kill had a scout before the opening of the abyss demon beast called: Manic ore
.As has been unlocked the chains that bound stone above the sink hole, what happened was that the Manticore, was broken and separated from the hole, smashed a horde of angels and demonic beings come out of it. It's weight was 80-ton rock. the smell was so strong and big, and so full of soot and smoke darken the sky and killed all the 100-mile radius.
are now being entered into the Earth's atmosphere and are looking at the streets of major cities looking for those who will deliver a world leader who will be the world's countries soon. There is expected to be between 750 000 million to one billion lives taken by these creatures before hunger is quenched, and the hunt is over.
They look like horses with human faces, standing upright. They are the crown of the head, chest plate armor, and are intelligent and have long hair in a wild red hair, they are nothing less than an army from hell, a warrior from the time in the past Mans history, where little is known. These evil beings chains for thousands of years in darkness, the hunters, and
can not wait to kill and eat a human heart with a sword, a deadly sting, for they shall be terror still unidentified man
.2002 [revised 11/2005]
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