The oustered Catholic Bishop Kurt Krenn of Saint Polten sent the former Old Liberal director of the Pastoral Office of the Archdiocese of Vienna packing with good reason.
(, Wien) Apparently, Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul argue against the law in cases where the law leads to self-righteousness.
The sacked Old Liberal Pastoral Administratrix of the Archdiocese of Vienna and Feminist Ideologue, Veronika Prüller-Jagenteufel, is appearing for the former 'Reichsender Vienna', aka (ORF). [Reichsender was the old Nazi radio station.]
Mrs Prüller-Jagenteufe responded tin the broadcase to the Old Liberal "Pastor's Initiative' and the theme "obedience".
Mrs. Prüller-Jagenteufel didn't offer any evidence for her theory.
Fired by Bishop Krenn
Mrs Prüller-Jagenteufel complained about a "turning point" in her life.
After her theology studies, she worked under Bishop Krenn(75)who'd been forced into retirement in 2004 for the Archdiocese of St. Polten.
After a year and a half, she was thrown out by the Bishop.
Mrs. Prüller-Jagenteufel admitted openly that the reason was: "because the [Catholic] line, which Bishop Krenn was a party to, and my [Old Liberal] Theological attachment did not go together."
She had to "depart from the job".
Endorsed by Vienna Pastoral-Ideologue
Thanks to Old Liberal connections Mrs. Prüller-Jagenteufel got a new job immediately.
The rumored Vienna Pastoral-Ideologue Fr. Paul Micheal Zulehner received her with open arms as an assistant for his Institute.
Fringe Participant in Women's Ordination Groups
Prüller-Jagenteufel belonged for a long time as "a fringe participant of even feminist groups".
She had contacts to many feminist sects which "had little or nothing to do with the Church".
The Cardinal Was Understanding
As Cardinal Christoph Schönborn asked her, if she would like to take over Vienna's Pastoral office, she agreed after giving a very long preamble:
"I am by my fundamental orientation and till now, a feminist Theologian."
Frau Prüller-Jagenteufel asked if that would work if the Cardinal were conscious of it.
Cardinal Schönborn "smirked" and answered: "This impulse will do us some good in the Church".
The Prince of the Church has expressed that there is supposed to be this alleged "diversity of opinions" in the Archdiocse's leadership.
As far as women's ordination, the Pastoral Administratrix didn't want to give the former "Reichsender" a concrete answer.
That isn't the most important question for her.
Link to original...
Photo: © Thomas Beranek, Pressefoto
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Will Pope Benedict Ditch Assisi III?
Edit: was alerted to this development. Apparently, Asssisi III isn't on the Holy Father's calender.
VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 27, 2011 ( Benedict XVI will preside at a canonization Mass and make at least one pastoral visit within Italy in October, and in November he will make his second international trip to Africa, reports the Vatican.
Today, the Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff published the Pope's event schedule for the months of October and November.
Missing from the schedule is the previously announced pilgrimage to Assisi on Oct. 27, which will mark the 25th anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Peace, convoked by Pope John Paul II in 1986. The day is being organized under the title "Pilgrims of truth, pilgrims of peace."
VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 27, 2011 ( Benedict XVI will preside at a canonization Mass and make at least one pastoral visit within Italy in October, and in November he will make his second international trip to Africa, reports the Vatican.
Today, the Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff published the Pope's event schedule for the months of October and November.
Missing from the schedule is the previously announced pilgrimage to Assisi on Oct. 27, which will mark the 25th anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Peace, convoked by Pope John Paul II in 1986. The day is being organized under the title "Pilgrims of truth, pilgrims of peace."
Monday, October 10, 2011
Archbishop Wants More Preaching on Heaven and Hell
Fulda (KNA)The Catholic Church should, according to the lights of the Bamberger Archbishop Ludwig Schick, talk more about Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, death and judgement. "Thinking about the judgment of God helps that we recall that we're responsible for our lives on earth", said Schick on Friday in a Mass held at the conclusion of the Autumn gathering of the German Bishops' Conference. "Without judgement life loses its seriousness, its responsibility, its value", said the cleric who cited the philosopher Max Horkheimer with the question, "Why should I be good, if there's no God?"
The faith in heaven and judgement belongs, according to the Archbishop's words to the creed of the Church; it is not optional to believe it or not. "Without God as judge, even God, who has created heaven and hell and man according to his image, will fall into question. Without the judge the righteousness of God will not be taken seriously, he who gave us free will", says Schick.
Link to original...from the Priestly Society of St. Pius X.
Minneapolis Basilica Lights Dome Lavender in Time for "Coming Out Week"
Edit: In light of Archhbishop Nienstedt's current campaign to oppose abberosexual marriage in the state of Minnesota, it seems self-defeating that one of his largest and most visible churches, the Basilica of St. Mary's in downtown Minneapolis, is illuminating the consecrated towers and dome of this august building, with purple lights.
Apart from being a frivolous expenditure, it's clear that these flashy things lack a spiritual dimension. And in point of fact, it's time for "National Coming Out Week" which involves homosexuals having parties where they tell their poor families that they are sodomites. This event begins on the 11th of October. You might think this is all minor stuff. We hope not, but this current confluence of events and lights seems to mesh well with the Basilica's other projects, like useless and scandalous interfaith events where Rabbis, Imams and Protestants are invited to give talks. One Rabbi was even invited to give the "homily" on Good Friday Liturgy, when a the liberal Rabbi who promotes Cabbala, was allowed to take over the pulpit and do the priest's job.
St. Mary's has also participated in the Gay Pride Festival with their presence at a booth representing area "churches" who all recognize abberosexual marriage.
Of course, Father Corapi, Father Pavone, Father Donat Gionet in Canada, Father Micheal Rodriguez in Texas and Father Andreas Skobliki of Austria and the saintly Father Michel of Thieberville, France, are singled out for suspension and other canonical punishments often based on the flimsiest evidence. Some of these priests are able to speak to much larger groups of people than the others, but they all preach to churches overflowing with faithful eager to hear what they say, and by their example they reach a lot of people, by their gentleness and prayerful outlook, they bring people into the Church.
Meanwhile, creatures like the present pastor of this lavender hangout keep their jobs.
Holy Father Encourages Couples to Trust God's Will Against the World
Confront the Resistance
Italy. Yesterday, Pope Benedict visited the south Italian region of Kalabria. At the Mass he wore a dalmatic under a newly tailored baroque chasuble. In the sermon he criticized the alarming unemployment, the criminality and the wounded social structure. The Pope encouraged the newlyweds to give evidence for their faith: "When you meet the opposition of the world, said the Apostle: "I may do everything in him, in whom my power lies."
Switzerland. Bishop Vitus Huonder of Church celebrated the Immemorial Mass in the Monastic Church in Einsiedeln. It was a High Mass. The Church was packed to the gills. The occasion was the yearly pilgrimage of the Society of St. Peter, which goes from the village of St. Pelagiberg in Canton Thurgau. The Bishop assisted Father Martin Ramm as Deacon and Father Dieter Biffart as Subdeacon. In the Choir was the Rector, Franz Banauch of Wigratzbad, Father Alexander Metz and Father Thomas Achatz of the Berlin Institute of St. Philipp Neri. The boys of the newly founded Catholic Musical Academy of Albbruck sang the Latin choral Mass. In the Sermon Msgr Huonder stressted that there can't be any love without following the divine Commandments, especially when it comes to pre-marital chastity.
Hindu Flag flown above the ruins of a Catholic Church
India On the Hindu feast of Dussehra -- which is celebrated on the 6th of October and concerns the victory of good over evil -- 300 extremists marched to a village in the city of Bakinga, where a destroyed Catholic Church is being rebuilt. The extremists flew the Hindu flag there. This was reported by the US-Newagency 'Catholic World News' on October. The church is located in the province of Kandhamal in the east Indian state of Orissa. It was destroyed during the anti-Christian uprising in August of 2008.
Link to original
Italy. Yesterday, Pope Benedict visited the south Italian region of Kalabria. At the Mass he wore a dalmatic under a newly tailored baroque chasuble. In the sermon he criticized the alarming unemployment, the criminality and the wounded social structure. The Pope encouraged the newlyweds to give evidence for their faith: "When you meet the opposition of the world, said the Apostle: "I may do everything in him, in whom my power lies."
Switzerland. Bishop Vitus Huonder of Church celebrated the Immemorial Mass in the Monastic Church in Einsiedeln. It was a High Mass. The Church was packed to the gills. The occasion was the yearly pilgrimage of the Society of St. Peter, which goes from the village of St. Pelagiberg in Canton Thurgau. The Bishop assisted Father Martin Ramm as Deacon and Father Dieter Biffart as Subdeacon. In the Choir was the Rector, Franz Banauch of Wigratzbad, Father Alexander Metz and Father Thomas Achatz of the Berlin Institute of St. Philipp Neri. The boys of the newly founded Catholic Musical Academy of Albbruck sang the Latin choral Mass. In the Sermon Msgr Huonder stressted that there can't be any love without following the divine Commandments, especially when it comes to pre-marital chastity.
Hindu Flag flown above the ruins of a Catholic Church
India On the Hindu feast of Dussehra -- which is celebrated on the 6th of October and concerns the victory of good over evil -- 300 extremists marched to a village in the city of Bakinga, where a destroyed Catholic Church is being rebuilt. The extremists flew the Hindu flag there. This was reported by the US-Newagency 'Catholic World News' on October. The church is located in the province of Kandhamal in the east Indian state of Orissa. It was destroyed during the anti-Christian uprising in August of 2008.
Link to original
Billboard of Father Paul Marx OSB Near Modernist Monastery
Edit: Collegeville has been a locus of dissent and a cancerous tumor in the Body of Christ since the days of Dom Virgil Michel when the social reformer alleged to have restored the appreciation for a doctrine which had gone into abeyance, the teaching of the "Mystical Body of Christ" and its social dimension in the Mass. The reformer monk, like other reformers of the past, was anything but an ideal of the religious life. He willfully violated the rubrics of the Mass, which is a mortal sin. Like many revolutionaries, he had a long list of prescriptions which he claimed would address the "injustices" inherent in the Capitalist system, but while he he was short on actually describing how these systemic issues could be addressed, and just what their moral dimension was, he flaunted the authority of the organization he claimed to belong and it is our opinion that even then, long before the Vatican Council and its disasterous aftermath, that he was one of those who, like his mentors and guides, Dom Beauduin and Pius Parsch, worked assiduously to undermine it.
By the time after the Second Vatican Council when Paul VI agonized over the publication of the Church's Encyclical, Humanae Vitae, there were those, including Father Paul Marx's own brother who signed a declaration against it. But it wasn't the rebels who were disciplined and cast out, it was Father Paul Marx, himself an admirer of Father Michel, who was hounded and attacked by the Abbey and the modernists who hated him.
Here's an excerpt from Pine Curtain:
In 1980 the authorities at St. John's Abbey and St. John's University, by underhanded means, forced Father Marx to leave Collegeville and his Human Life Center and carry on his pro-life work elsewhere. The full story of this persecution is told in this book. Benedictines at St. John's, including Father Marx's own brother, Father Michael Marx, OSB, signed a statement contradicting Humanae vitae, Pope Paul IV's official teaching concerning contraception, and the faculty at St. John's University overwhelmingly refused to endorse a statement opposing abortion. Father Marx then went to Washington, with little but an automobile, and started Human Life International, which today is by far the largest pro-life institution in the world. In the same year Pope John Paul II told him: "You are doing the most important work on earth." - "Faithful for Life"
Link to Pine Curtain...
When Father Marx died last year. The present Abbot gave a "homily" which defended St. John's seamless garment approach to doctrine and its heritage of dissent from the rules.
In fact, we cited an article earlier which dealt with the Abbot's attempt to coopt Father Marx's legacy for St. John's, attempting to steal something they don't own.
You mentioned Cardinal Bernardin's Fordham University speech about the Seamless Garment. You implied or suggested this is what Fr. Marx stood for and fought for. Actually, Fr. Marx totally opposed Cardinal Bernardin's Seamless Garment rationale. He considered it a disaster for the anti-abortion movement for at least two reasons:
1.The Seamless Garment gives Catholics an excuse to vote for pro-abortion politicians on the specious theory that these politicians are, on balance, more pro-life than their anti-abortion opponents because they have good positions on some other issues that impact life. For example, I recall one Seamless Garment evaluation of politicians that rated Senator Ted Kennedy as much more "pro-life" than Senator Jesse Helms! (Kennedy consistently voted for abortion and for public funding of abortion, and Helms was probably the Senate's most stalwart opponent of abortion.)
It also seems we're not alone. Perhaps some of the German farmers in the area, good wholesome sorts, know the real story? Here's the billboard that's up around St. John's. It's not something you'd see at St. John's, because Collegeville, as anyone will tell you, undermines the Catholic Faith in its architecture and everything it does.
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Father Marx, ora pro nobis, abolish St. John's |
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Egyptian Army Crushes Christians With Armoured Vehicles
Edit: the drivers of these vehicles look pretty determined to run people over. There are thirty nine dead so far.
Remember when the secular media was excited about the so-called Arab Spring?
It shouldn't take an expert in Middle Eastern Affairs to know what happens in the wake of an Arab Revolt. The passions run high and so even the Army and the government can't resist joining in.
Here's an excerpt of an eyewitness narrative of the events so far.
The march from the Cairo district of Shubra was huge, like the numbers on 28 January. In the front row was a group of men in long white bibs, “martyr upon demand” written on their chests. A tiny old lady walked among them, waving a large wooden cross: “God protect you my children, God protect you.”
The march started down Shubra Street around 4 pm, past its muddle of old apartment buildings, beat up and sad but still graceful compared with the constructions from the Mubarak era next to them - brutish and unfinished-looking.
A man explained why there were bigger numbers than the march last week in response to the attack on the St. George’s Church in Aswan: the army had hit a priest while violently dispersing Coptic protesters in front of the Maspiro state TV building on Wednesday. A video posted online showed a young man being brutally assaulted by army soldiers and riot police.
The Passion of Cardinal Mindszenty
Cardinal Mindszenty -- a Priceless Grain of Wheat
Munich ( Father Werenfried van Straaten, founder of the worldwide Catholic assistance organization "Kirche in Not" [Church in Need] preached free of charge on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the year about the popular resistance against the Soviet occupation of Hungary began on 23. October 1956. This talk was related to the fate of the Hungarian József Cardinal Mindszenty and his example for today.
Father Werenfried knew Mindszenty personally and visited him during the uprising on the 30th of October 1956. The talk is only available now in a CD recorded on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of +Mindszenty's death in 1985 and praised him as a "priceless Hungarian grain of wheat".
The former Primate of Hungary is said to have "taken a cross on himself such as hardly any other Cardinal had to endure", said Father Werenfried. After his incarceration by the Communist Regime on the 26th of December 1948, he was tortured for a week. "On nights he was beaten with a rubber truncheon and by day he was prevented from sleeping", said Werenfried. "So he was destroyed as a man, and appeared through the peep-hole in the door as one dead."
After his release +Mindszenty finally, as Werenfried criticized, became an "was sacrificed as an object of exchange in Ostpolitik to the illusion of the diplomats ." "He had to leave his fatherland and was maltreated exactly as God's own son, who took the form of a slave and was obedient even unto death on the Cross." That a "spiritual giant like Cardinal Mindszenty" was subject to this obedience, is a sign of his great holiness, stressed Father Werenfried and appealed to his listeners, never to be sparing, when it so happens, to help persecuted and oppressed Christians:
"We, who bear the smallest part of the cross of Christ, remain poor for eternity, if we don't take the greatest part of the love, that which the persecuted Christians need, to take as our charge. While our brothers are washed in blood and tears, we will be tested in love. If we are not eager in our superabundance and not heroic in our love, then we must tremble in our eternity."
To awaken this love in men, is the mission of the organization "Kirche in Not", said Father Werenfried, and warned therefore, that the persecution of the Church worldwide is a "symptom of a spiritual battle not unleashed by men". With a view to the situation of the Church in the West he declared:
"For decades, the Faith has only been preached reluctantly and every has been done, to undercut God's Commandments. People have ceased in the battle against evil and aligned themselves with perversions, which the fallen man feel enamored of."
Werenfried criticized further, that the defensive system of our society is disconnected by this false pacifism. "The result of this infection is death", insisted Werenfield and said, "the less one believes in the Devil, the more dangerous he becomes."
Die Audio-CD "Kardinal Mindszenty - ein kostbares Weizenkorn" kann unentgeltlich auf bestellt werden. [You can order the German CD free of charge at that link]
Link to
Kirche in Not
Lorenzonistr. 62
81545 München
Munich ( Father Werenfried van Straaten, founder of the worldwide Catholic assistance organization "Kirche in Not" [Church in Need] preached free of charge on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the year about the popular resistance against the Soviet occupation of Hungary began on 23. October 1956. This talk was related to the fate of the Hungarian József Cardinal Mindszenty and his example for today.
Father Werenfried knew Mindszenty personally and visited him during the uprising on the 30th of October 1956. The talk is only available now in a CD recorded on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of +Mindszenty's death in 1985 and praised him as a "priceless Hungarian grain of wheat".
The former Primate of Hungary is said to have "taken a cross on himself such as hardly any other Cardinal had to endure", said Father Werenfried. After his incarceration by the Communist Regime on the 26th of December 1948, he was tortured for a week. "On nights he was beaten with a rubber truncheon and by day he was prevented from sleeping", said Werenfried. "So he was destroyed as a man, and appeared through the peep-hole in the door as one dead."
After his release +Mindszenty finally, as Werenfried criticized, became an "was sacrificed as an object of exchange in Ostpolitik to the illusion of the diplomats ." "He had to leave his fatherland and was maltreated exactly as God's own son, who took the form of a slave and was obedient even unto death on the Cross." That a "spiritual giant like Cardinal Mindszenty" was subject to this obedience, is a sign of his great holiness, stressed Father Werenfried and appealed to his listeners, never to be sparing, when it so happens, to help persecuted and oppressed Christians:
"We, who bear the smallest part of the cross of Christ, remain poor for eternity, if we don't take the greatest part of the love, that which the persecuted Christians need, to take as our charge. While our brothers are washed in blood and tears, we will be tested in love. If we are not eager in our superabundance and not heroic in our love, then we must tremble in our eternity."
To awaken this love in men, is the mission of the organization "Kirche in Not", said Father Werenfried, and warned therefore, that the persecution of the Church worldwide is a "symptom of a spiritual battle not unleashed by men". With a view to the situation of the Church in the West he declared:
"For decades, the Faith has only been preached reluctantly and every has been done, to undercut God's Commandments. People have ceased in the battle against evil and aligned themselves with perversions, which the fallen man feel enamored of."
Werenfried criticized further, that the defensive system of our society is disconnected by this false pacifism. "The result of this infection is death", insisted Werenfield and said, "the less one believes in the Devil, the more dangerous he becomes."
Die Audio-CD "Kardinal Mindszenty - ein kostbares Weizenkorn" kann unentgeltlich auf bestellt werden. [You can order the German CD free of charge at that link]
Link to
Kirche in Not
Lorenzonistr. 62
81545 München
Saturday, October 8, 2011
The Society Wants Clarifications to the Preamble
The Assistant of the General Council for the Society of St. Pius X does not want to criticize Rome -- rather to criticize modernist Rome.
( The Vatican is allowing the Priestly Society of St. Pius X to bring corrections to the text of the Dogmatic Preamble.
This was according to the First Assistant to the General Council, Father Niklaus Pfluger in an interview with the website ''.
Corrections are necessary in order only to eliminate "the shades of ambiguity and misunderstandings".
The Church Must Reject the Unbelief of the 60s
The Society will give an answer to the Preamble which will mirror its statement and make a clear statement about its concern about Tradition.
It will "not engage in compromise".
Earlier agreements, which the Vatican has made with other traditional Societies are considered to be unacceptable according to Father:
"If Rome is making an offer, it must be clear and not misunderstood, that it will be for the good of the Church and expedite a return to Tradition."
Because: "It was always the most ardent desire of our founder that Tradition would bloom again in the whole world."
A canonical recognition of the Society could effect that.
"Very, Very Difficult"
Father Pfluger criticized the hasty beatification of John Paul II and the upcoming, third inter-religious meeting of Assisi.
These examples show that the "leadership of the Church" -- therefore teh Pope and Bishops -- "are now as before unwilling to give up the false principles of the Second Vatican Council and their consequences."
A Vatican offer must guarantee the freedom for the Society to "to continue its direct criticism on <>."
At the same time the cleric considers that it will be "very, very" difficult for Rome to accommodate such criticism after reconciliation.
The Conciliar Church Will Become Increasingly Weaker
Father says the situation is different now than it was in the talks with the founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre († 1991), in 1988.
The Society has four Bishops with 550 world wide.
On the other side, the structure of the official Church is ever increasingly disintegrating.
Rome therefore can "not be as confrontational as it was twenty years ago."
Blank Recognition is Media Boss's Desire
Father Pfluger insists that diplomacy plays a large roll with Rome.
The Vatican wants to save face "in public" -- the powerful media bosses.
It has been suggested too often by the media that the Pope lifted the apparent Excommunications of the Society Bishops in 2009 without concessions -- recalled Father Pfluger.
The majority of the German Bishops are against that today and still desire that the Society first make a blank recognition of the Council.
The Bishops are demanding that now as before -- and don't even respect the Pastoral Council themselves.
Link to original,
Das Photo: ©
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Father Niklaus Pfluger |
( The Vatican is allowing the Priestly Society of St. Pius X to bring corrections to the text of the Dogmatic Preamble.
This was according to the First Assistant to the General Council, Father Niklaus Pfluger in an interview with the website ''.
Corrections are necessary in order only to eliminate "the shades of ambiguity and misunderstandings".
The Church Must Reject the Unbelief of the 60s
The Society will give an answer to the Preamble which will mirror its statement and make a clear statement about its concern about Tradition.
It will "not engage in compromise".
Earlier agreements, which the Vatican has made with other traditional Societies are considered to be unacceptable according to Father:
"If Rome is making an offer, it must be clear and not misunderstood, that it will be for the good of the Church and expedite a return to Tradition."
Because: "It was always the most ardent desire of our founder that Tradition would bloom again in the whole world."
A canonical recognition of the Society could effect that.
"Very, Very Difficult"
Father Pfluger criticized the hasty beatification of John Paul II and the upcoming, third inter-religious meeting of Assisi.
These examples show that the "leadership of the Church" -- therefore teh Pope and Bishops -- "are now as before unwilling to give up the false principles of the Second Vatican Council and their consequences."
A Vatican offer must guarantee the freedom for the Society to "to continue its direct criticism on <
At the same time the cleric considers that it will be "very, very" difficult for Rome to accommodate such criticism after reconciliation.
The Conciliar Church Will Become Increasingly Weaker
Father says the situation is different now than it was in the talks with the founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre († 1991), in 1988.
The Society has four Bishops with 550 world wide.
On the other side, the structure of the official Church is ever increasingly disintegrating.
Rome therefore can "not be as confrontational as it was twenty years ago."
Blank Recognition is Media Boss's Desire
Father Pfluger insists that diplomacy plays a large roll with Rome.
The Vatican wants to save face "in public" -- the powerful media bosses.
It has been suggested too often by the media that the Pope lifted the apparent Excommunications of the Society Bishops in 2009 without concessions -- recalled Father Pfluger.
The majority of the German Bishops are against that today and still desire that the Society first make a blank recognition of the Council.
The Bishops are demanding that now as before -- and don't even respect the Pastoral Council themselves.
Link to original,
Das Photo: ©
Scotish Bishop Meets Sectarian Leader About Homosexual Sectarianism
Edit: you mean the sectarianism of homosexual groups who want unrestricted and eager acceptance of whatever it is they do by society at large? The author of this piece shows great sagacity in identifying the problem:
The Bishop is still concerned about same-sex marriage in Scotland.
However, confusion now reigns as to what is a sectarian offence. First Minister Salmond said a clause guaranteeing freedom of speech would be inserted into the legislation, while details of past sectarian-related incidents would be published. He said this would continue on an on-going basis.
The Bishop is still concerned about same-sex marriage in Scotland.
Speaking after his October 6 meeting with First Minister Alex Salmond of Scotland, Catholic Bishop Philip Tartaglia of Paisley said, “I am grateful to the First Minister, for the opportunity to have raised these matters with him in a personal way. I share the concerns of the Scottish Government that sectarianism should be eradicated from Scottish society. Fears that the wide remit of the ‘Offensive Behaviour Bill’ might impinge on the freedom to hold and express otherwise inoffensive views appear to have been recognised and are being addressed.”
Bishop Tartaglia added, “I particularly welcome the First minister’s commitment to track and analyse sectarian crime on an on-going basis using all data relating to Section 74 of the Criminal Justice Scotland Act 2003. Clearly, we cannot tackle a problem without first measuring it.”
Bishop Tartaglia concluded, “Our discussions also afforded me an opportunity to reiterate the Catholic Bishops’ publicly stated commitment to “strenuously oppose” any moves towards ‘same sex marriage’. This matter remains unresolved for the moment since the consultation is on-going. I thank the First minister for his assurance that the Government has not reached a final decision on this issue.” The bishop’s statement followed an October 6 meeting with First Minister Salmond concerning legislation now being considered in Scotland’s parliament that seeks to abolish sectarian threats and violence.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Polish Pastor's Health Damaged by Psycho-Terror of Old Liberals
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Father Skoblicki |
Pure lack of respect for human dignity: The anti-Church Kopfinger schismatics are working with psychological terror, false reports and death threats.
(, Kopfing) The Pastoral administrator of Kopfing, Fr. Andreas Skoblicki, will leave his parish for a few weeks according to the media bosses.
The health of the Pastor has suffered greatly in the past weeks.
A Doctor has advised that Father Skoblicki needs three weeks to recover.
The absence is the month long psychological terror of the Old Liberal Kopfinger Schismatics in league with the anti-Church media.
The Polish clergyman has, since he's lived as a foreigner, hardly any personal support.
Father Skoblicki has even received death threats.
He will visit his Polish home and and stay out of the line of fire of the Austrian media which seems bent on executing him.
The Diocese of Linz has said on the website '' that the Diocesan Office will put together a priestly grant.
The Diocese is already in talks with priest.
The Lies about First Communion
The regional media concern has struck for months with false reports about the Pastor.
On the most forward front the ‘Oberösterreichische Nachrichten’. is the most rabid.
The last libelous lines from the paper: next year there is apparently not going to any "first communion".
Actually the local grade school principal -- a bitter enemy of the Pastor -- immediately denounced the report.
The parents in the first communicants can expect a beautiful celebration in Kopfing.
Why didn't the Diocese Clear this up?
Today the ‘Oberösterreichischen Nachrichten’ has published its most recent lie under the incendiary title, "New Explosives in Kopfing".
The Pastor has built a new side altar in the Church, "without a permit".
The construction was authorized, actually, by the Construction Office in Linz.
Thusly the question remains: why didn't the Bauamt denounce the lie from the anti-Church newspaper?
Link to
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Antifa-Neonazis Mobilize Their Thugs Against Life
Left extremists are allowed to rule and operate how they like. As a diversionary ploy the Joke-Republic hides behind the Nazi-craze. [Meaning that it can use fascism in various ways to control people.]
( The regional group of Dusseldorf's ‘Aktion Lebensrecht für Alle’ [Pro-Life for Everyone] was brought to silence by violent left-extremists last Saturday.
The pro-lifers planned a demonstration on Saturday evening, October 1st.
From the beginning of darkness till about midnight the film "Wunder des Lebens" was to play repeatedly. [here]
The ten minute cut shows the high-speed filming of the development of a person from conception to birth.
This gripping demonstration is an impressive witness against the criminal violence of abortion.
Antifa-Neonazis rule the German Streets
The Pro-Lifers didn't get to bring their plan to fruition.
Over a hundred antifa-Neonazis came to do malicious violence. They tore the improvised video screen down and cut the power.
The left-stormtroopers shouted various insults over megaphones and speakers like, "Mary should have aborted, so we'd be spared from you", "My uterus belongs to me" and "No God, no state, no patriarchy".
By the time the riot police of the national and local police finally arrived, most of the chaotisists had disappeared.
The urgently advised cancelling the demonstration.
The left-idiots were even in such a case looking for "reinforcements" and finally brought the situation to a point of escalation.
Why are the left shock troops tolerated?
The moral of the story: violent street thugs of the left are tolerated to operate and rule as they wish in Germany.
The millionaire media bosses -- who would otherwise be angry -- were silent.
The disruptive action was permited to proceed unhindered and was correspondingly effective.
To begin with, there were a few members of the Dusseldorf's Pro-Life organization facing about a hundred left street thugs in age from about twenty to thirty.
The left has some private storm brigades ready with which they cheapen the state by terrorizing the population and the media.
The Antifa-Neonazis may be pleased with themselves
The Pro-Life event was advertised last week in the major media.
Already on the next day Dusseldorf's anti-constitutional initiative "see red!" alerted their thugs on a 'Facebook' page.
The Antifa-Neonazis were determined to impose their contemptible minority opinion against the value of children.
The 'Antifa-Socialist German Worker Party' must be pleased.
Link to
( The regional group of Dusseldorf's ‘Aktion Lebensrecht für Alle’ [Pro-Life for Everyone] was brought to silence by violent left-extremists last Saturday.
The pro-lifers planned a demonstration on Saturday evening, October 1st.
From the beginning of darkness till about midnight the film "Wunder des Lebens" was to play repeatedly. [here]
The ten minute cut shows the high-speed filming of the development of a person from conception to birth.
This gripping demonstration is an impressive witness against the criminal violence of abortion.
Antifa-Neonazis rule the German Streets
The Pro-Lifers didn't get to bring their plan to fruition.
Over a hundred antifa-Neonazis came to do malicious violence. They tore the improvised video screen down and cut the power.
The left-stormtroopers shouted various insults over megaphones and speakers like, "Mary should have aborted, so we'd be spared from you", "My uterus belongs to me" and "No God, no state, no patriarchy".
By the time the riot police of the national and local police finally arrived, most of the chaotisists had disappeared.
The urgently advised cancelling the demonstration.
The left-idiots were even in such a case looking for "reinforcements" and finally brought the situation to a point of escalation.
Why are the left shock troops tolerated?
The moral of the story: violent street thugs of the left are tolerated to operate and rule as they wish in Germany.
The millionaire media bosses -- who would otherwise be angry -- were silent.
The disruptive action was permited to proceed unhindered and was correspondingly effective.
To begin with, there were a few members of the Dusseldorf's Pro-Life organization facing about a hundred left street thugs in age from about twenty to thirty.
The left has some private storm brigades ready with which they cheapen the state by terrorizing the population and the media.
The Antifa-Neonazis may be pleased with themselves
The Pro-Life event was advertised last week in the major media.
Already on the next day Dusseldorf's anti-constitutional initiative "see red!" alerted their thugs on a 'Facebook' page.
The Antifa-Neonazis were determined to impose their contemptible minority opinion against the value of children.
The 'Antifa-Socialist German Worker Party' must be pleased.
Link to
Pig Roast and Sushi-bar Bishop to be Vice Chairman of German Bishops' Conference same,
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The Best Sushi in Northern Germany |
Old Liberal Benedictine Abbot Against Celibacy
Edit: It's hard to say which order is worse. All of the major orders have men like this running the show, though. They all seem to suffer from a sickening uniformity of doctrinal non-conformity with the Church. What is a lack of good will, results in what looks like no faith.
Altliberaler Benediktinerabt gegen Zölibat
Austria. Celibacy doesn't belong to the nature of Protestantism. The ‘Reichssender Wien’ (ORF) [the inheritor of the old Reichsender which was the Nazi broadcaster in Austria] conducted an interview where Abbot Otto Strohmaier of the Benedictine Monastery of St. Lambrecht said this. The establishment lays in the district of Murau in Styria. Abbot Strohmaier desires priestly marriage, "because it would be possible to see again that the existence of monks and nuns is something completely unique." Most Austrian Monks are Priests. The Abbot can imagine that priestly marriage would be better, as it supposedly is "so challenging to live as it sometimes unfortunately is". He avoided mentioning that there are are many problems with married clergy, as for example those that are so frequent with protestant clergy.
Edit: the article refers to a Lutheran Bishopess who got divorced in 2007 and another female minister.
Link to original, news...
Altliberaler Benediktinerabt gegen Zölibat
Austria. Celibacy doesn't belong to the nature of Protestantism. The ‘Reichssender Wien’ (ORF) [the inheritor of the old Reichsender which was the Nazi broadcaster in Austria] conducted an interview where Abbot Otto Strohmaier of the Benedictine Monastery of St. Lambrecht said this. The establishment lays in the district of Murau in Styria. Abbot Strohmaier desires priestly marriage, "because it would be possible to see again that the existence of monks and nuns is something completely unique." Most Austrian Monks are Priests. The Abbot can imagine that priestly marriage would be better, as it supposedly is "so challenging to live as it sometimes unfortunately is". He avoided mentioning that there are are many problems with married clergy, as for example those that are so frequent with protestant clergy.
Edit: the article refers to a Lutheran Bishopess who got divorced in 2007 and another female minister.
Link to original, news...
In Better Times He'd Serve Some Time at Hard Labor
Edit: these are the fruits of having a secular, pluralist and morally indifferent society. This might be laughable, but the other fruits, which include massive divorce, drug addiction, unrest, violence and the death of art and beauty aren't so laughable.
[Metro] The atheist says he belongs to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, with followers labelling themselves ‘Pastafarians’.
After discovering headgear was allowed in official pictures for ‘confessional’ reasons, Alm decided a pasta strainer would be a suitable representation of his faith.
He promptly sent off his driving licence application form along with some photos of himself sporting a colander headpiece.
Old Liberal Bishop Faces Sex-Abuse Allegations
Edit: Bishop Zubik stands accused of abusing one of his students. The accusation has some credibility in our eyes because +Zubik is an ecclesiastical Liberal who has, admittedly, been somewhat friendly to traditional societies in "good standing" with the Catholic Church. Aside from following various programs like Virtus that are designed to indemnify Liberal prelates, priests and their government subsidized education and charitable institutions. By the way these programs don't offer a lot of help spiritually and some say they even corrupt innocence. +Zubik and others like him have been working to undermine it for years.
But it won't matter how hokey and sterile the remedial programs in place are, the liberal media knights are going to cover for their boy whether he's guilty or not and they're already attacking the credibility of the accuser's charges by suggesting a nefarious motive. But what has Bishop Zubik done in the past that might lend credibility to the accuser's charges in our mind?
The Bishop is somewhat favorable to tradition, although he's been hostile to the SSPX. He's an exponent of the Polka Mass, he refused to sell a church property to the SSPX and instead sold it to a protestant group and violated the law in the process. He's also into issuing these symbolic apologies that have done so much to aid the Church helping people to better understand the Church's role in relation to society and done nothing to really describe that these cases are extremely rare and are largely the result of homosexual predation, Modernism and moral relativism.
It's also important to note that Bishop Zubik doesn't believe homosexuality is a problem, citing the John Jay College of Criminal Justice on a KDK interview.
Bishop Zubic won't deny Catholic politicians who vote for abortion Communion either. He writes:
“The Church … has the responsibility to protect the sacredness of the Eucharist from any abuse, inclusive of politicizing Communion. [It's a bad sign when they drag out this verbiage to excuse inaction as well as omissions.] If a time came where I must engage any individual for any reason in regard to reception of the Eucharist, that would be solely between myself as pastor and that person as a member of my flock.”
And what was the result of this pastoral approach? Senator Casey voted for the healthcare bill without assurances that it funds would not go for abortion.
What does this have to do with the abuse accusation? Well, to be brief, most of the abuses are homosexual in nature, and there are many homosexuals who've infiltrated the Catholic Church. Many of these men are less than favorable toward Catholic teaching and in so far as they are inconsistent to Catholic tradition, they are undermining the Catholic position. It is such men and women who've presided over the destruction of Catholic education in the analogous case of Notre Dame, for example, which hosted a pro-abortion president to speak in a position of honor. The late Dominican Friar, Father John O'Connor speaks at great length on this matter. He suggests that there are even Bishops involved:
It may be that these accusations are untrue. The accuser certainly acted strangely, attempting to use his allegations to have the Bishop intervene on his behalf to obtain a lay ministry position, that had been barred to him because of a criminal conviction. This alleged abuse took place back in the eighties. The accuser with the Bishop in June with his wife, when he asked for the Bishop's assistance in this matter and of course it was refused.
The case is interesting, if a bit jumbled, with some varying motives. The accused is claiming that his pastor, Father Michael Yaksick is guilty of violating the seal of confession. One thing I'm not seeing here is that there were two other priests whom Mr. Rock is accusing. He writes on his blog:
He's also claiming that smelling Bishop Zubik's aftershave triggered things he's suppressed from the past. He says that the Liberal Bishop tried to kiss him.
He had asked me why I haven't been to church in such a long time. I told him because of the two priest that had molested me. Fr. Bob Wolk in the summer of 1979, he is a convicted registered sex offender in Florida, and ex-priest. Fr. Leo Burchantti in 1989, he is also an ex-priest. Now my pastor took my confidential confession out of the confessional to the Bishop. They offered me counseling, and at first i rejected. Then it kinda bugged me a little, I wanted to know if it was what makes me so angry.
In any event, it's a good thing for +Zubik that he is an Old Liberal and supported Obama's Healthcare Initiative, Polka Masses and the unjust treatment of "schismstic" traditional socieites, otherwise, he'd probably be offering his resignation instead of fighting the allegations.
One additional thing that's unfortunate is that Rock went to SNAP. It's tragic that those who have had these experiences with homosexual priests have no where else to turn than these professional victim organizations with their hidden agendas.
So there you have it, we've said that +Zubik may or may not be guilty, but he bears many of the hallmarks of an abuser in his implementation of sex education for children, treating traditionalists unjustly, participating in and promoting Liturgical abuses and sacrileges like Polka Masses and his suspicious support for the John Jay study that claims homosexuality is a cause of sex abuse.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Una Voce Gets Four New Associations in Communist Sphere
Edit: Una Voce, an organization devoted to spreading the Immemorial Rite of the Mass throughout the world is growing. Even in Cuba.
The International Federation Una Voce Welcomes Four New Members.
The International Federation Una Voce is pleased to announce the admission of four new members. The Federation Council has approved applications from:
Una Voce Albaruthenia (Belarus),
Una Voce Natal (Brazil),
Una Voce Cuba,
Una Voce Ucraina (Ukraine).
Link to Federation Website, Una Voce...
Here's a website we got the photo of Castro from. It actually lists his sexual preference? Up until recently, homosexuality was illegal in Cuba. Perhaps the fact that many of Cuba's benefactors objected to this that the law was changed?
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Hey, Raoul, Let's go to Mass |
The International Federation Una Voce Welcomes Four New Members.
The International Federation Una Voce is pleased to announce the admission of four new members. The Federation Council has approved applications from:
Una Voce Albaruthenia (Belarus),
Una Voce Natal (Brazil),
Una Voce Cuba,
Una Voce Ucraina (Ukraine).
Since the promulgation of the motu prorio Summorum Pontificum in July 2007 the Federation has admitted twelve new associations: from Malta, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Chile - Casablanca, Philippines, Japan, Portugal, and now the four associations named above. We are also in active discussions with another five groups in Latin America and two in Asia. What is especially encouraging is that all these groups are being formed and led by energetic young people who have found in the traditional liturgy a spirituality they have not been able to find elsewhere. This is our hope for the future in that young lay people will be working with young clergy and religious to ensure that the traditions of the Church will be preserved and fostered.
Link to Federation Website, Una Voce...
Here's a website we got the photo of Castro from. It actually lists his sexual preference? Up until recently, homosexuality was illegal in Cuba. Perhaps the fact that many of Cuba's benefactors objected to this that the law was changed?
Party Animal Monk Spied on the Vatican for East Germany
Editor: This is related to an earlier story about how Stasi was spying on Pope Benedict.
Fortunately, the left-wing comrades are in power. Otherwise the German Bishops would would not only be crying about the abuse-hoax, but also because of their sensitive interactions with the DDR- spies for the cameras of the media bosses.
( Two men of Trier have played an important role in espionage taking place in the Vatican.
This was according to the online-edition of the newspaper 'Trierer Volksfreund' on the 15th of September.
Why weren't the names named?
The former editor of the 'Katholischen Nachrichtenagentur' [Catholic News Agency], Alfons Waschbüsch, caused a lot of damage as a spy for the Stasi.
Waschbüsch is not referred to by name in the 'Trierer Volksfreund".
He was an unofficial member of the East German Ministry for State Security for more than a decade. His code name was "Anthony".
From the mid-70s he gave a lot of information about the situation of the Vatican to the criminal regime of East Germany [DDR].
Waschbüsch, was a Rome Correspondent for the 'Katholischen Nachrichtenagentur' during this time with high ranking contacts in the Vatican.
He was probably the most valuable Stasi agent in the Catholic Church in West Germany -- cited the newspaper's Historian and Stasi-expert, Bernd Schäfer.
He provided information about the attempt of the German Bishops' Conference attempt to influence the government of Helmut Kohl.
Treated as a minor offense
Waschbüsch was active till the fall of East Germany as a spy.
He was unmasked in 1992, as German Constitutional watchdogs were combing through the open and cover names of the Stasi in the files, which were in the possession of the US Central Intelligence Agency.
Waschbüsch was let go where he was active in the meantime in Wiesbaden.
Actually, in the same year the Diocese of Trier hired him -- in full knowledge of the situation -- as the director of the Press office in Koblenz.
That was the "conscious decision" of the then Old Liberal Bishop Hermann-Josef Spital († 2007) of Trier.
It is a profoundly Christian attitude to forgive someone who made a mistake -- and it was the attitude used for other offenses as well.
Waschbüsch was criminally convicted of his espionage activities without a trial for a fine.
Monk, Party Animal, Spy
Stasi-expert Schäfer believes that Waschbüsch of Tier had recruited Benedictine Father Eugen Brammertz, for the German Stasi.
Father belonged to the Old Liberal Brammertz St. Matthias Abbey in Trier.
For twenty years he taught religion at two high schools in the city. Waschbüsch was his pupil.
In 1974 the Benedictine was called to Rome as the editor of the German speaking edition of the 'Osservatore Romano'.
Father Brammertz was active since the beginning of the 60s as a Stasi-Spy. His cover name was "Lichtblick".[brightlight]
He reported on eavesdropping opportunities in the Vatican chambers or on the visits of Germany politicians and Bishops.
The Monk had a reputation for being a "Party Animal".
In 1987 he died in Rome from stroke. He was laid to rest in the Monastery Cemetery of the Abbey of Saint Matthias in Trier.
His activity as a spy in Rome became generally known in the 80s.
It is interesting that the 'Trierer Volksfreund' is silent over the motivations of both East German spies.
Link to here...
Fortunately, the left-wing comrades are in power. Otherwise the German Bishops would would not only be crying about the abuse-hoax, but also because of their sensitive interactions with the DDR- spies for the cameras of the media bosses.
( Two men of Trier have played an important role in espionage taking place in the Vatican.
This was according to the online-edition of the newspaper 'Trierer Volksfreund' on the 15th of September.
Why weren't the names named?
The former editor of the 'Katholischen Nachrichtenagentur' [Catholic News Agency], Alfons Waschbüsch, caused a lot of damage as a spy for the Stasi.
Waschbüsch is not referred to by name in the 'Trierer Volksfreund".
He was an unofficial member of the East German Ministry for State Security for more than a decade. His code name was "Anthony".
From the mid-70s he gave a lot of information about the situation of the Vatican to the criminal regime of East Germany [DDR].
Waschbüsch, was a Rome Correspondent for the 'Katholischen Nachrichtenagentur' during this time with high ranking contacts in the Vatican.
He was probably the most valuable Stasi agent in the Catholic Church in West Germany -- cited the newspaper's Historian and Stasi-expert, Bernd Schäfer.
He provided information about the attempt of the German Bishops' Conference attempt to influence the government of Helmut Kohl.
Treated as a minor offense
Waschbüsch was active till the fall of East Germany as a spy.
He was unmasked in 1992, as German Constitutional watchdogs were combing through the open and cover names of the Stasi in the files, which were in the possession of the US Central Intelligence Agency.
Waschbüsch was let go where he was active in the meantime in Wiesbaden.
Actually, in the same year the Diocese of Trier hired him -- in full knowledge of the situation -- as the director of the Press office in Koblenz.
That was the "conscious decision" of the then Old Liberal Bishop Hermann-Josef Spital († 2007) of Trier.
It is a profoundly Christian attitude to forgive someone who made a mistake -- and it was the attitude used for other offenses as well.
Waschbüsch was criminally convicted of his espionage activities without a trial for a fine.
Monk, Party Animal, Spy
Stasi-expert Schäfer believes that Waschbüsch of Tier had recruited Benedictine Father Eugen Brammertz, for the German Stasi.
Father belonged to the Old Liberal Brammertz St. Matthias Abbey in Trier.
For twenty years he taught religion at two high schools in the city. Waschbüsch was his pupil.
In 1974 the Benedictine was called to Rome as the editor of the German speaking edition of the 'Osservatore Romano'.
Father Brammertz was active since the beginning of the 60s as a Stasi-Spy. His cover name was "Lichtblick".[brightlight]
He reported on eavesdropping opportunities in the Vatican chambers or on the visits of Germany politicians and Bishops.
The Monk had a reputation for being a "Party Animal".
In 1987 he died in Rome from stroke. He was laid to rest in the Monastery Cemetery of the Abbey of Saint Matthias in Trier.
His activity as a spy in Rome became generally known in the 80s.
It is interesting that the 'Trierer Volksfreund' is silent over the motivations of both East German spies.
Link to here...
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Pope Benedict on Assisi 3: "Have Trust"
You heard it here first. Assisi 3 will be the attack on relativism.
Edit: we just found a referring article describing the Assisi 3 event. We picked up a letter written by a Lutheran minister who is a friend of the Pope on April 24th from, two days before Rorate got it. The Lutheran minister describes the Pope's intention with Assisi.
Rorate has entitled their most recent article, "Pope explains why he's going to Assisi 3". Katholisches is much more accurate, and frankly, just.
Many of those commenting at Rorate don't seem to understand the article, or believe that the Pope is in earnest. The Pope's words themselves are actually quite shocking and unprecedented.
Of course many "Traditionalists" don't appreciate that the Pope is actually attempting to the address their concerns. Maybe it's just shellshock?
This should be taken in with other statements by various officials and actions in recent years on the part of the Pope himself when he more than met the hopes of the SSPX with respect to Summorum Pontificum, on the part of individual Bishops, even Liberal ones, Conferences and even the Vatican officials themselves indicate that this won't be anything like the previous Assisi events and will be used by the Holy Father to "attack relativism".
Benedict XVI. on Assisi 3: "Everything will be done so that a syncretistic or relativistic interpretation will be impossible".
An excerpt from katholisches...
Edit: we just found a referring article describing the Assisi 3 event. We picked up a letter written by a Lutheran minister who is a friend of the Pope on April 24th from, two days before Rorate got it. The Lutheran minister describes the Pope's intention with Assisi.
Rorate has entitled their most recent article, "Pope explains why he's going to Assisi 3". Katholisches is much more accurate, and frankly, just.
Many of those commenting at Rorate don't seem to understand the article, or believe that the Pope is in earnest. The Pope's words themselves are actually quite shocking and unprecedented.
Of course many "Traditionalists" don't appreciate that the Pope is actually attempting to the address their concerns. Maybe it's just shellshock?
This should be taken in with other statements by various officials and actions in recent years on the part of the Pope himself when he more than met the hopes of the SSPX with respect to Summorum Pontificum, on the part of individual Bishops, even Liberal ones, Conferences and even the Vatican officials themselves indicate that this won't be anything like the previous Assisi events and will be used by the Holy Father to "attack relativism".
Benedict XVI. on Assisi 3: "Everything will be done so that a syncretistic or relativistic interpretation will be impossible".
On the 1st of October the event "Pilgrims of Truth on the Way to Assisi" took place, organized by Catholica Spes, in order to discuss considerations and concerns related to Assisi 3.
"The Holy Father wanted to underline the idea of a Pilgrimage to Truth: not in order to pray in various ways with the danger of mixing the supernatural faith and natural religions, rather a common way back to the one truth." With these words Curial Cardinal Leo Burke explained the sense of the inter-religious meeting in Assisi will be invited by Pope Benedict XVI for the 27th of October 2011.
An excerpt from katholisches...
Traditionalist St. Vincent de Ferrer Community Elects New Superior
The General Chapter of the Traditional Franternity of Saint Vincent de Ferrer better known in France as Fraternité Saint-Vincent-Ferrier (FSVF) has selected a new General Superior, Father Dominique-Marie of Saint de Larunerfor to lead the Catholic order for the next six years. Cardinal William Levada, President of the Papal Commission Ecclesia Dei confirmed the election which took place ten days before on the 23rd of September 2011.
The new General Superior P. Doninique-Marie de Saint Laumer was born in 1957. He has belonged to the Order of St. Vincent Ferrer since its founding in 1979. He received the priestly orders in 1988. From now on he will bear the office of Prior.
The Fraternity of Saint Vincent Ferrer is a traditional society of the Catholic Church. Its spirituality is founded in the Dominican order, which is why its membership is known as "Old Dominicans". The community is therefore isn't a part of the Dominican Ordo Praedicatorum, but in view of its particular orders, which were founded in 1979 by French priest Louis-Marie de Blignières. The Fraternity was canonically erected and recognized in 1988 through the Papal Commision of Ecclesia Dei as an Institute of Papal Right.
The traditional Order prays the Dominican Liturgy in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite according to the Missal of 1962. Father Dominique-Marie de Saint Laumer is the second General Superior of the Community, of which Pater Louis-Marie de Blignières has been director since its founding.
The location of the Community is the Cloister of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Chémeré-le-Roi, France. Since 2007, it counts fifteen members, of whom seven are priests. They also produce a theological publication, "Sedes Sapientiae" also distributed by the Fraternity.
The founder and General Superior Louis-Marie de Blignières till now, came originally from Sedevacantism, which left the Catholic Church in to form a schismatic group following the Second Vatican Council at the end of the 60s.
In 1981 the first members renounced their orders. The Community gave up their sedevacantist position and approached the Catholic Church again. 1986 saw the official reconciliation with Rome. In 1988, the official act was to return to full communion with the Church through the recognition of the community and its canonical erection by the Church. The members of the Order were thus allowed to study at pontifical universities and colleges. The community operates its own website:
Link to katholisches...
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Cardinal Lehman Attacks Pope Benedict
Edit: Cardinal Lehman is jealously guarding his golden goose. Who hasn't met an employee of Catholic Charitable organizations who doesn't fit the description of a soulless bureaucrat who either doesn't understand or doesn't appreciate the spiritual dimension of the Church and charitable works?
Cardinal Lehman feels that Pope Benedict's remarks about the seeking agnostic and the indifferent Catholic were striking a little too close to home. Here's the article from as translated:
Frankfurt ( The Cardinal of Mainz, Cardinal Karl Lehman had defended the Pope's call for a "detachment from the world in the Catholic Church, but also admonished caution. The Pope's invitation in Frieburg was met with "blank incomphrehension" said the Bishop of Mainz, where he wrote an article Tuesday for the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung". However, he stood behind his words that there must be a convictino that the Church must maintain its distance from "seductive powers", without relinquishing its responsibility. "You may face some objections to the speech and only marvel at how strange and unknown this understanding of the Church has become for many," said Lehman.
With a view to his debate on Church-tax the Cardinal recalled the historical roots of the levy. it was established in the 19th century not by the Church, but rather by the ruling powers, so that the Church and the State could better support charitable work. Previously, the Church had been "dirt poor" because of the secularization. Meanwhile, Benedict XVI had explained in his Freiburg speech that the appropriation of property to the Church has "contributed significantly to internal reform'. Lehman pointed out that instructions could be derived from this also, "for those who don't want to renew the benevolence of the Church, rather break it making it fundamentally weaker to reduce its capabilities."
Lehman is grateful that the Pope in his speech explicitly thanked those engaged in charitable works in the Church. He criticized, however, that Benedict XVI. then immediately declared those as agnostics who sincerely sought God, were closer to the Kingdom, "than the ecclesiastical old hands, who see only the institution, without being touched by the Faith". "To thank someone for such language would be foolish. For shame!" said Lehman.
Link to
Photo Source, Tradition in Action....
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The Cardinal is in Peacock Feathers |
Cardinal Lehman feels that Pope Benedict's remarks about the seeking agnostic and the indifferent Catholic were striking a little too close to home. Here's the article from as translated:
Frankfurt ( The Cardinal of Mainz, Cardinal Karl Lehman had defended the Pope's call for a "detachment from the world in the Catholic Church, but also admonished caution. The Pope's invitation in Frieburg was met with "blank incomphrehension" said the Bishop of Mainz, where he wrote an article Tuesday for the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung". However, he stood behind his words that there must be a convictino that the Church must maintain its distance from "seductive powers", without relinquishing its responsibility. "You may face some objections to the speech and only marvel at how strange and unknown this understanding of the Church has become for many," said Lehman.
With a view to his debate on Church-tax the Cardinal recalled the historical roots of the levy. it was established in the 19th century not by the Church, but rather by the ruling powers, so that the Church and the State could better support charitable work. Previously, the Church had been "dirt poor" because of the secularization. Meanwhile, Benedict XVI had explained in his Freiburg speech that the appropriation of property to the Church has "contributed significantly to internal reform'. Lehman pointed out that instructions could be derived from this also, "for those who don't want to renew the benevolence of the Church, rather break it making it fundamentally weaker to reduce its capabilities."
Lehman is grateful that the Pope in his speech explicitly thanked those engaged in charitable works in the Church. He criticized, however, that Benedict XVI. then immediately declared those as agnostics who sincerely sought God, were closer to the Kingdom, "than the ecclesiastical old hands, who see only the institution, without being touched by the Faith". "To thank someone for such language would be foolish. For shame!" said Lehman.
Link to
Photo Source, Tradition in Action....
German Bishops' Conference Fires Dissident Journalist
Edit: "Wir Sind Kirche" or "We Are Church" is what you'd expect it to be. It's like its American counterpart, which Cardinal Bernardin once treated so daintily in times past.
The "We Are Church" President sits as a journalist for the German Bishops Conference, working for "Kirche In" and there he advertises for his own personal organization at the same time. Now the GBC is pulling his credentials.
Bonn ( The German Bishops Conference is announcing to the "We Are Church" - President, Chrsitian Weisner, who works officially as a German Correspondent of the paper "Kirche in", that by the action of the Conference, he is no longer accredited. This is according to Mattthias Kopp, the speaker of the German Bishops' Conference on Tuesday afternoon for
"Mr. Weisner has been accredited for the paper, but then used our press offering and facilities for the publicity of his association. It is not good style, when Mr. Weisner gave interviews by us -- that I wouldn't have allowed him to give", explained Kopp and stressed, that the newspaper doesn't have the problem, rather "it's the completely unusual behavior of Mr. Weisner.
"Kirche in" is an Austrian monthly, which above all, poses itself through especially aggressive anti-Roman reporting.
Link to
The "We Are Church" President sits as a journalist for the German Bishops Conference, working for "Kirche In" and there he advertises for his own personal organization at the same time. Now the GBC is pulling his credentials.
Bonn ( The German Bishops Conference is announcing to the "We Are Church" - President, Chrsitian Weisner, who works officially as a German Correspondent of the paper "Kirche in", that by the action of the Conference, he is no longer accredited. This is according to Mattthias Kopp, the speaker of the German Bishops' Conference on Tuesday afternoon for
"Mr. Weisner has been accredited for the paper, but then used our press offering and facilities for the publicity of his association. It is not good style, when Mr. Weisner gave interviews by us -- that I wouldn't have allowed him to give", explained Kopp and stressed, that the newspaper doesn't have the problem, rather "it's the completely unusual behavior of Mr. Weisner.
"Kirche in" is an Austrian monthly, which above all, poses itself through especially aggressive anti-Roman reporting.
Link to
i chose these photographs that i have taken because most of them show strong highlights and shadows because of the glossy floor and wall surfaces. Some of the surfaces are more muted but there is a dramatic sense of light and dark in the shadows making it very clear where highlights and shadows are being made from the light source and how this is affected by the objects
Monday, October 3, 2011
Pregnant Mother Murdered in Spain during Mass
Schwangere Mutter ermordet – Kind gerettet
Spain. On Thursday evening a very pregnant Rocío Piñeira Oitavén(36)was murdered during Mass at Santa Maria del Pilar in Madrid by a mentally ill man of (34) by a gunshot wound to the head. The Spanish media covered this. The murderer killed himself afterwards. The motive is still unknown. Paramedics saved the woman's baby by performing a Caesarian section. The mother was in her fortieth week of pregnancy. The child may have suffered from a lack of oxygen.
Spain. On Thursday evening a very pregnant Rocío Piñeira Oitavén(36)was murdered during Mass at Santa Maria del Pilar in Madrid by a mentally ill man of (34) by a gunshot wound to the head. The Spanish media covered this. The murderer killed himself afterwards. The motive is still unknown. Paramedics saved the woman's baby by performing a Caesarian section. The mother was in her fortieth week of pregnancy. The child may have suffered from a lack of oxygen.
Archbishop Fisichella: For the West, All Religions Can Not be the Same
Archbishop Rino Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for The New Evangelization has called the European Bishops to a profound renewal of Faith.
Tirana ( Archbishop Rino Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization, has called the European Bishops to a profound renewal of Faith. One such mission must not be limited simply to the resurrection of a religious praxis; it is necessary to have an "analysis of the sickness, in order to prescribe an effective therapy," said Fisichella at a yearly meeting of the Council of the European Bishops Conference (CCEE) on Friday in Albanian Tirana.
The Curial Bishop warned against tendencies to erect a Europe independent of Christianity. "Christendom is a necessary starting point, in order to finally understand the history of the past of our lands", said Fisichella. A neutral position to religion is "the worst method that one can imagine. For the West, religions can't be all the same."
Fisichella also warned of the "shifting sands of egalitarianism" which discount the differences between faiths and for the recognition of ones own cultural origins. Religious indifferentism does not provide and answer to the meaning of life and will not establish true unity between states. It is important to give people back their Christian identity and a feeling of their membership in the Church.
The model for the New Evangelization was described by Vatican representatives in projects for city missions in twelve European metropolises, among others, Vienna and Cologne. As possible focal points for the Mission, Fisichella named the Bible, instruction by Bishops to Catechumens, families and young people, as well as the Sacrament of Penance, lectures on the "Confessions" of St. Augustine and charitable services.
The meeting on the New Evangelization ordered by Pope Benedict XVI. is the midst of its meeting which goes till Sunday for leaders of Catholic National Bishops Conferences or their representatives. The meeting which lasted from Thursday to Sunday in Tirana is according to the CCEE, the only opportunity for European Senior Shepherds to work together on the theme before the Vatican Bishop's Synod in 2012.
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Related article from Lifesite, describing his assignment to the Office for Evangelization under some controversy.
Tirana ( Archbishop Rino Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization, has called the European Bishops to a profound renewal of Faith. One such mission must not be limited simply to the resurrection of a religious praxis; it is necessary to have an "analysis of the sickness, in order to prescribe an effective therapy," said Fisichella at a yearly meeting of the Council of the European Bishops Conference (CCEE) on Friday in Albanian Tirana.
The Curial Bishop warned against tendencies to erect a Europe independent of Christianity. "Christendom is a necessary starting point, in order to finally understand the history of the past of our lands", said Fisichella. A neutral position to religion is "the worst method that one can imagine. For the West, religions can't be all the same."
Fisichella also warned of the "shifting sands of egalitarianism" which discount the differences between faiths and for the recognition of ones own cultural origins. Religious indifferentism does not provide and answer to the meaning of life and will not establish true unity between states. It is important to give people back their Christian identity and a feeling of their membership in the Church.
The model for the New Evangelization was described by Vatican representatives in projects for city missions in twelve European metropolises, among others, Vienna and Cologne. As possible focal points for the Mission, Fisichella named the Bible, instruction by Bishops to Catechumens, families and young people, as well as the Sacrament of Penance, lectures on the "Confessions" of St. Augustine and charitable services.
The meeting on the New Evangelization ordered by Pope Benedict XVI. is the midst of its meeting which goes till Sunday for leaders of Catholic National Bishops Conferences or their representatives. The meeting which lasted from Thursday to Sunday in Tirana is according to the CCEE, the only opportunity for European Senior Shepherds to work together on the theme before the Vatican Bishop's Synod in 2012.
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Related article from Lifesite, describing his assignment to the Office for Evangelization under some controversy.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Cardinal Schönborn Complains about Conservative Internet Presence
Edit: now he has to go to Rome and spend more time on the telephone to manage the damage. Apparently there are people in Rome who give him the benefit of the doubt.
The Old Liberal Cardinal -- who is at the service of the pressure placed by anti-Catholic media bosses -- complained of the pressure "from at times aggressive websites, which can't be Catholic enough."
(, Wien) It was a difficult, but beautiful time.
So said the unfortunate Viennese Cardinal Christoph von Schönborn for on an anti-Church broadcast "Orientierung" on Ex-Reichsender Vienna [former Nazi broadcaster] about his time as a Bishop.
The Cardinal just celebrated his 20th Episcopal Jubilee year.
He Praised Himself for His Abuse-cringing
The anti-Church Reichsender Wien broadcast yesterday at noon.
As expected, it celebrated the abuse-hoax.
Cardinal von Schönborn did not make himself clear. Instead, he praised himself because he jumped the hoops in 2010 for the media bosses.
His reward for the practice of selling out the truth is that "words of appreciation come from throughout the world" -- he bluffed.
Whoever Responds to Pressure, Will Get More Pressure
Cardinal Schönborn spoke of a "pressure from all sides -- or all possible and impossible sides."
He admitted that there is a lot of pressure from classical Liberal pensioners in diapers.
The Cardinal covered up the fact that these are the useful idiots of the powerful media bosses.
He gets pressure also "from a part of the very aggressive websites, which just can't be Catholic enough."
That he spoke of websites in the plural shows the respect he has for the site '' which he clearly meant.
The neo-Conservative commercial site '' has sponsored the Cardinal for years and covered for him in its reportage on the Archdiocese of Vienna.
The baby soft Romans let themselves be hoodwinked by the other side
Cardinal Schönborn laments that the Catholics -- who've been marginalized by the Old Liberal Bishops for years -- turn to Rome and make their complaints known.
That happens on websites, personal mail or in face-to-face meetings -- explained the Old Liberal Prelate.
Actually he believes that the baby soft Romans are under control: "That isn't anything to get too worked up about."
Because he smooths over the Roman side with his personal contacts: "As people sit together -- you can talk to each other."
In the past, Austrian Bishops had neglected basic contact with the Romans.
What the Cardinal did not say: Before '' brought the endless scandals of the Old Liberal Bishops
to light, the Romans didn't even need to worry about duping anyone in Rome.
Link to original...
© Henning Klingen, Pressefoto
The Old Liberal Cardinal -- who is at the service of the pressure placed by anti-Catholic media bosses -- complained of the pressure "from at times aggressive websites, which can't be Catholic enough."
(, Wien) It was a difficult, but beautiful time.

The Cardinal just celebrated his 20th Episcopal Jubilee year.
He Praised Himself for His Abuse-cringing
The anti-Church Reichsender Wien broadcast yesterday at noon.
As expected, it celebrated the abuse-hoax.
Cardinal von Schönborn did not make himself clear. Instead, he praised himself because he jumped the hoops in 2010 for the media bosses.
His reward for the practice of selling out the truth is that "words of appreciation come from throughout the world" -- he bluffed.
Whoever Responds to Pressure, Will Get More Pressure
Cardinal Schönborn spoke of a "pressure from all sides -- or all possible and impossible sides."
He admitted that there is a lot of pressure from classical Liberal pensioners in diapers.
The Cardinal covered up the fact that these are the useful idiots of the powerful media bosses.
He gets pressure also "from a part of the very aggressive websites, which just can't be Catholic enough."
That he spoke of websites in the plural shows the respect he has for the site '' which he clearly meant.
The neo-Conservative commercial site '' has sponsored the Cardinal for years and covered for him in its reportage on the Archdiocese of Vienna.
The baby soft Romans let themselves be hoodwinked by the other side
Cardinal Schönborn laments that the Catholics -- who've been marginalized by the Old Liberal Bishops for years -- turn to Rome and make their complaints known.
That happens on websites, personal mail or in face-to-face meetings -- explained the Old Liberal Prelate.
Actually he believes that the baby soft Romans are under control: "That isn't anything to get too worked up about."
Because he smooths over the Roman side with his personal contacts: "As people sit together -- you can talk to each other."
In the past, Austrian Bishops had neglected basic contact with the Romans.
What the Cardinal did not say: Before '' brought the endless scandals of the Old Liberal Bishops
to light, the Romans didn't even need to worry about duping anyone in Rome.
Link to original...
© Henning Klingen, Pressefoto
Eucharistic Miracle in Poland: Confirmed by Doctors
Edit: remember the possibly miraculous Host which was put in a ciborium as is customary and wouldn't dissolve but actually developed red specks on it that look like blood? The possible miracle being referred to was at St. Augustine's Parish [Soon to be dissolved by the Archdiocese] in South St. Paul Minnesota. As of yet there is still no report back, but in the case of this Polish Host, two Doctors have determined that the specks were actually heart tissue. This event occurred back in 2008. Here's the story:
Roman Catholics in Poland gathered Sunday for a special Mass celebrating what they see as a miracle: the appearance on a communion wafer of a dark spot that they are convinced is part of the heart of Jesus.
The communion wafer [It's a Consecrated Host] in question developed a brown spot in 2008 after falling on the floor during a Mass in the eastern Polish town of Sokolka. Two medical doctors determined that the spot was heart muscle tissue, church officials have said.
Link to cathnews...
New York Times Continues its Campaign against Catholicism
Edit: Stella Borealis has just noted that the New York Times may be so full of anti-Catholic hate that it can't report the news properly.
They can't even report the law correctly. Present law does allow churches to promote various campaign causes, it just can't promote particular candidates.
They can't even report the law correctly. Present law does allow churches to promote various campaign causes, it just can't promote particular candidates.
[New York Times] This weekend, hundreds of pastors, including some of the nation's evangelical leaders, will climb into their pulpits to preach about American politics, flouting a decades-old law that prohibits tax-exempt churches and other charities from campaigning on election issues.
The sermons, on what is called Pulpit Freedom Sunday, essentially represent a form of biblical bait, an effort by some churches to goad the Internal Revenue Service into court battles over the divide between religion and politics.
The Alliance Defense Fund, a nonprofit legal defense group whose founders include the Rev. James Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family, sponsors the annual event, which started with 33 pastors in 2008. This year, Glenn Beck has been promoting it, calling for 1,000 religious leaders to sign on and generating additional interest at the beginning of a presidential election cycle.
Jesuit Superior General: The Secret Poison of Atheism is Raging Even Within the Church
The Spanish Jesuit Father General, Pedro Arrupe († 1991) is held as a destroyer of the Society of Jesus. At 46 he suffered a moment of lucidity, in any case.
( On Monday, 27. September 1965, the General Superior of the Jesuits, Father Pedro Arrupe, spoke in Rome before the Council to the gathered Bishops.
The German weekly 'Zeit' reported this on the 1st of October 1965.
Father Arrupe was a survivor of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
According to the account by 'Zeit', he "shcoked" many of the Council bedazzled Bishops with his address.
He is supposed to have -- as the 'Zeit' put it -- "claimed":
"A new society of the Godless controlling almost entirely the international organisations, the financial circles and the field of mass communications, like the press, film, radio and television."
AND: "The secret poison of atheism is raging even within the Catholic Church, and its fruits are naturalism, doubt and rebellion."
The 'Zeit' insisted that FAther Arrupe did not mean simply the Communists.
Actually, many of the Bishops -- incredibly -- are supposed to have felt that the Jesuit General had gone "too far" with his remarks about a worldwide conspiracy of atheism -- wrote the 'Zeit' apologetically.
Some noticed that -- only a week before the address by Pope Paul VI. († 1978)before the 'United Nations' -- that he criticized "international organizations".
Father Arrupe sought no anathema against atheism, which he didn't understand primarily as a philosophical problem.
"Social reforms" were needed in the fight against it.
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Father Pedro Arrupe |
( On Monday, 27. September 1965, the General Superior of the Jesuits, Father Pedro Arrupe, spoke in Rome before the Council to the gathered Bishops.
The German weekly 'Zeit' reported this on the 1st of October 1965.
Father Arrupe was a survivor of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
According to the account by 'Zeit', he "shcoked" many of the Council bedazzled Bishops with his address.
He is supposed to have -- as the 'Zeit' put it -- "claimed":
"A new society of the Godless controlling almost entirely the international organisations, the financial circles and the field of mass communications, like the press, film, radio and television."
AND: "The secret poison of atheism is raging even within the Catholic Church, and its fruits are naturalism, doubt and rebellion."
The 'Zeit' insisted that FAther Arrupe did not mean simply the Communists.
Actually, many of the Bishops -- incredibly -- are supposed to have felt that the Jesuit General had gone "too far" with his remarks about a worldwide conspiracy of atheism -- wrote the 'Zeit' apologetically.
Some noticed that -- only a week before the address by Pope Paul VI. († 1978)before the 'United Nations' -- that he criticized "international organizations".
Father Arrupe sought no anathema against atheism, which he didn't understand primarily as a philosophical problem.
"Social reforms" were needed in the fight against it.
Link to source...
Saturday, October 1, 2011
SSPX Spokesman: If the General Superior Agrees, The Society Will Come Along
Thank the Society of St. Pius X that finally the Superdogma of the "Second Vatican Council" can be criticized.
( The openness with which the Society theologians have discussed in doctrinal talks about the difficulties of the texts of the Second Vatican Council , have not endangered the most recent stage of the discussions of the doctrinal Preamble.
The Speaker of the Swiss General House of the Society of Pius X, Father Alain Lorans, said on the 21st of September for the French newspaper 21.
The Congregation for the Doctrine and the Faith tailored the Preamble to accomodate the objections of the Society's positions critical of the Council.
Catholics will be Recognized as Catholics Again
An agreement with Rome and with the regularization of the canonical status of the Society is something Father Lorans thinks is "not so critical".
It's much more important to give back the Traditionalists their liberties as Catholics again.
That was begun with the Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum'.
The Society Holds Tight
It is clear for Father Lorans: If the General Superior of the Society, Msgr Bernard Fellay, agrees to the Preamble, the Society will come too.
Father Lorans offers no information on the doctrinal Preamble.
He defers to the official statement of the Vatican.
The Preamble leaves "open justifiable debate, studies and theological clarifications of certain expressions or certain formulations, which are in the present texts of the Second Vatican Council and the subsequent Magisterium."
The Taboo Surrounding the Pastoral Council is Gone
Father Lorans stressed that the problematic points in the Second Vatican Council "may be discussed, without putting obedience to the Church in question."
This is so that the Vatican recognizes that these controversial texts necessary for approval are not the same as for dogma.
Father recalled the internal distinction between the statement of the Vatican Press service on the "Doctrinal Preamble" of September 14. and the note by the Secretary of State to the Society on the 4th of February 2009.
Back then it read:
"For future recognition of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X., a full recognition of the Second Vatican Council and the Magisterium of the Pope John XXIII., Paul VI., John Paul I, John Paul II and Benedict XVI. is an indispensable condition. "
According to Father, there are two years worth of theological discussions between these two statements.
This had had enabled us to illuminate the doctrinal problems.
The question as to whether Rome had developed more in those two years or if the presentations of the theologians of the Society had anything to do with it is something Father Lorans is leaving open to question.
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A Very Happy Father Lorans |
( The openness with which the Society theologians have discussed in doctrinal talks about the difficulties of the texts of the Second Vatican Council , have not endangered the most recent stage of the discussions of the doctrinal Preamble.
The Speaker of the Swiss General House of the Society of Pius X, Father Alain Lorans, said on the 21st of September for the French newspaper 21.
The Congregation for the Doctrine and the Faith tailored the Preamble to accomodate the objections of the Society's positions critical of the Council.
Catholics will be Recognized as Catholics Again
An agreement with Rome and with the regularization of the canonical status of the Society is something Father Lorans thinks is "not so critical".
It's much more important to give back the Traditionalists their liberties as Catholics again.
That was begun with the Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum'.
The Society Holds Tight
It is clear for Father Lorans: If the General Superior of the Society, Msgr Bernard Fellay, agrees to the Preamble, the Society will come too.
Father Lorans offers no information on the doctrinal Preamble.
He defers to the official statement of the Vatican.
The Preamble leaves "open justifiable debate, studies and theological clarifications of certain expressions or certain formulations, which are in the present texts of the Second Vatican Council and the subsequent Magisterium."
The Taboo Surrounding the Pastoral Council is Gone
Father Lorans stressed that the problematic points in the Second Vatican Council "may be discussed, without putting obedience to the Church in question."
This is so that the Vatican recognizes that these controversial texts necessary for approval are not the same as for dogma.
Father recalled the internal distinction between the statement of the Vatican Press service on the "Doctrinal Preamble" of September 14. and the note by the Secretary of State to the Society on the 4th of February 2009.
Back then it read:
"For future recognition of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X., a full recognition of the Second Vatican Council and the Magisterium of the Pope John XXIII., Paul VI., John Paul I, John Paul II and Benedict XVI. is an indispensable condition. "
According to Father, there are two years worth of theological discussions between these two statements.
This had had enabled us to illuminate the doctrinal problems.
The question as to whether Rome had developed more in those two years or if the presentations of the theologians of the Society had anything to do with it is something Father Lorans is leaving open to question.
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