Sunday, October 2, 2011

New York Times Continues its Campaign against Catholicism

Edit: Stella Borealis has just noted that the New York Times may be so full of anti-Catholic hate that it can't report the news properly.

They can't even report the law correctly.  Present law does allow churches to promote various campaign causes, it just can't promote particular candidates.

[New York Times] This weekend, hundreds of pastors, including some of the nation's evangelical leaders, will climb into their pulpits to preach about American politics, flouting a decades-old law that prohibits tax-exempt churches and other charities from campaigning on election issues.
The sermons, on what is called Pulpit Freedom Sunday, essentially represent a form of biblical bait, an effort by some churches to goad the Internal Revenue Service into court battles over the divide between religion and politics.
The Alliance Defense Fund, a nonprofit legal defense group whose founders include the Rev. James Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family, sponsors the annual event, which started with 33 pastors in 2008. This year, Glenn Beck has been promoting it, calling for 1,000 religious leaders to sign on and generating additional interest at the beginning of a presidential election cycle.

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