Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome, 2010 - A Year of Tracing Karma, Mr. Crandall

During the summer of 2009, I started thinking about Karma and decided it might be a good thing to explore in 2010. Building off a year of Happiness in '08 (A'ight) and a year of Quirky in '09 (Feeling Just Fine), I thought a karmic year was now in order. There's not a need to party like it's 1999, because that year is over. Instead, it's time to party like it's 2010 (It's better now than it's ever been).

As a fan of MY NAME IS EARL, I thought the best post for a new year should be the opening theme song to the show. The lyrics suit my purpose just fine:

i look in the mirror & what do i see?
some kinda flacker lookin back at me,
aint noting lost to get me found
& it's never too late to change.

(what goes) what goes around
(comes) comes around (look out),
(what goes) what goes around (comes)
comes around (here it come now)

well i dont know what i've been told
& the truth confessed is a good for your soul,
i'm a makin a list and a checkin it twice,
it's never too late to change (oh no)

(what goes) what goes around (comes)
comes around (look out),(what goes)
what goes around (comes) comes around
(here it come now)
(what goes) what goes around (comes)
comes around (look out),(what goes)
what goes around (comes) comes around (here it come now)


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