Wie gehts es ihnen heute? Haben sie ein gutes schlaf? Ah, das ist gut...gut.
Ich bin sehr glucklich.
Last night at the gym, I ran into my middle school German teacher. I immediately said, "hi," and went on my sweaty ol' way. About an hour later she came up to me and said, "It took me forever to think who you were. I can't believe you recognized me."
We had a good talk and I thanked her for my middle school experience at Gillette Road (she advised the yearbook, too, in middle school). She updated me on her girls and we talked about learning languages.
I like to think that both of us left our workout last night with a greater smile. I told her it is hard for me to imagine she has memories of my middle school self. She said, I can't believe YOU have memories of me as YOUR middle school self.
Karma is about keeping connections open as you age. Liebe ist gut!
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