Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cardinal Schönborn: "Feminist Theology is Good For the Church"

The oustered Catholic Bishop Kurt Krenn of Saint Polten sent the former Old Liberal director of the Pastoral Office of the Archdiocese of Vienna packing with good reason.

(kreuz.net, Wien) Apparently, Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul argue against the law in cases where the law leads to self-righteousness.

The sacked Old Liberal Pastoral Administratrix of the Archdiocese of Vienna and Feminist Ideologue, Veronika Prüller-Jagenteufel, is appearing for the former 'Reichsender Vienna', aka (ORF). [Reichsender was the old Nazi radio station.]

Mrs Prüller-Jagenteufe responded tin the broadcase to the Old Liberal "Pastor's Initiative' and the theme "obedience".

Mrs. Prüller-Jagenteufel didn't offer any evidence for her theory.

Fired by Bishop Krenn

Mrs Prüller-Jagenteufel complained about a "turning point" in her life.

After her theology studies, she worked under Bishop Krenn(75)who'd been forced into retirement in 2004 for the Archdiocese of St. Polten.

After a year and a half, she was thrown out by the Bishop.

Mrs. Prüller-Jagenteufel admitted openly that the reason was: "because the [Catholic] line, which Bishop Krenn was a party to, and my [Old Liberal] Theological attachment did not go together."

She had to "depart from the job".

Endorsed by Vienna Pastoral-Ideologue

Thanks to Old Liberal connections Mrs. Prüller-Jagenteufel got a new job immediately.

The rumored Vienna Pastoral-Ideologue Fr. Paul Micheal Zulehner received her with open arms as an assistant for his Institute.

Fringe Participant in Women's Ordination Groups

Prüller-Jagenteufel belonged for a long time as "a fringe participant of even feminist groups".

She had contacts to many feminist sects which "had little or nothing to do with the Church".

The Cardinal Was Understanding

As Cardinal Christoph Schönborn asked her, if she would like to take over Vienna's Pastoral office, she agreed after giving a very long preamble:

"I am by my fundamental orientation and till now, a feminist Theologian."

Frau Prüller-Jagenteufel asked if that would work if the Cardinal were conscious of it.

Cardinal Schönborn "smirked" and answered: "This impulse will do us some good in the Church".

The Prince of the Church has expressed that there is supposed to be this alleged "diversity of opinions" in the Archdiocse's leadership.

As far as women's ordination, the Pastoral Administratrix didn't want to give the former "Reichsender" a concrete answer.

That isn't the most important question for her.

Link to original...

Photo: © Thomas Beranek, Pressefoto bischofskonferenz.at

Will Pope Benedict Ditch Assisi III?

Edit: was alerted to this development. Apparently, Asssisi III isn't on the Holy Father's calender.

VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 27, 2011 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI will preside at a canonization Mass and make at least one pastoral visit within Italy in October, and in November he will make his second international trip to Africa, reports the Vatican.

Today, the Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff published the Pope's event schedule for the months of October and November.

Missing from the schedule is the previously announced pilgrimage to Assisi on Oct. 27, which will mark the 25th anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Peace, convoked by Pope John Paul II in 1986. The day is being organized under the title "Pilgrims of truth, pilgrims of peace."

Monday, October 10, 2011

Archbishop Wants More Preaching on Heaven and Hell

Fulda (KNA)The Catholic Church should, according to the lights of the Bamberger Archbishop Ludwig Schick, talk more about Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, death and judgement. "Thinking about the judgment of God helps that we recall that we're responsible for our lives on earth", said Schick on Friday in a Mass held at the conclusion of the Autumn gathering of the German Bishops' Conference. "Without judgement life loses its seriousness, its responsibility, its value", said the cleric who cited the philosopher Max Horkheimer with the question, "Why should I be good, if there's no God?"

The faith in heaven and judgement belongs, according to the Archbishop's words to the creed of the Church; it is not optional to believe it or not. "Without God as judge, even God, who has created heaven and hell and man according to his image, will fall into question. Without the judge the righteousness of God will not be taken seriously, he who gave us free will", says Schick.

Link to original...from the Priestly Society of St. Pius X.

Minneapolis Basilica Lights Dome Lavender in Time for "Coming Out Week"

Edit: In light of Archhbishop Nienstedt's current campaign to oppose abberosexual marriage in the state of Minnesota, it seems self-defeating that one of his largest and most visible churches, the Basilica of St. Mary's in downtown Minneapolis, is illuminating the consecrated towers and dome of this august building, with purple lights.

Apart from being a frivolous expenditure, it's clear that these flashy things lack a spiritual dimension. And in point of fact, it's time for "National Coming Out Week" which involves homosexuals having parties where they tell their poor families that they are sodomites. This event begins on the 11th of October. You might think this is all minor stuff. We hope not, but this current confluence of events and lights seems to mesh well with the Basilica's other projects, like useless and scandalous interfaith events where Rabbis, Imams and Protestants are invited to give talks. One Rabbi was even invited to give the "homily" on Good Friday Liturgy, when a the liberal Rabbi who promotes Cabbala, was allowed to take over the pulpit and do the priest's job.

St. Mary's has also participated in the Gay Pride Festival with their presence at a booth representing area "churches" who all recognize abberosexual marriage.

Of course, Father Corapi, Father Pavone, Father Donat Gionet in Canada, Father Micheal Rodriguez in Texas and Father Andreas Skobliki of Austria and the saintly Father Michel of Thieberville, France, are singled out for suspension and other canonical punishments often based on the flimsiest evidence. Some of these priests are able to speak to much larger groups of people than the others, but they all preach to churches overflowing with faithful eager to hear what they say, and by their example they reach a lot of people, by their gentleness and prayerful outlook, they bring people into the Church.

Meanwhile, creatures like the present pastor of this lavender hangout keep their jobs.

Holy Father Encourages Couples to Trust God's Will Against the World

Confront the Resistance

Italy. Yesterday, Pope Benedict visited the south Italian region of Kalabria. At the Mass he wore a dalmatic under a newly tailored baroque chasuble. In the sermon he criticized the alarming unemployment, the criminality and the wounded social structure. The Pope encouraged the newlyweds to give evidence for their faith: "When you meet the opposition of the world, said the Apostle: "I may do everything in him, in whom my power lies."

Switzerland.  Bishop Vitus Huonder of Church celebrated the Immemorial Mass in the Monastic Church in Einsiedeln.  It was a High Mass.  The Church was packed to the gills.   The occasion was the yearly pilgrimage of the Society of St. Peter, which goes from the village of St. Pelagiberg in Canton Thurgau.   The Bishop assisted Father Martin Ramm as Deacon and Father Dieter Biffart as Subdeacon.  In the Choir was the Rector, Franz Banauch of Wigratzbad, Father Alexander Metz and Father Thomas Achatz of the Berlin Institute of St. Philipp Neri.  The boys of the newly founded Catholic Musical Academy of Albbruck sang the Latin choral Mass.  In the Sermon Msgr Huonder stressted that there can't be any love without following the divine Commandments,  especially when it comes to pre-marital chastity.

Hindu Flag flown above the ruins of a Catholic Church 

India  On the Hindu feast of Dussehra -- which is celebrated on the 6th of October and concerns the victory of good over evil -- 300 extremists marched to a village in the city of Bakinga, where a destroyed Catholic Church is being rebuilt. The extremists flew the Hindu flag there. This was reported by the US-Newagency 'Catholic World News' on October. The church is located in the province of Kandhamal in the east Indian state of Orissa. It was destroyed during the anti-Christian uprising in August of 2008.

Link to original kreuz.net...

Billboard of Father Paul Marx OSB Near Modernist Monastery

Edit:  Collegeville has been a locus of dissent and a cancerous tumor in the Body of Christ since the days of Dom Virgil Michel when the social reformer alleged to have restored the appreciation for a doctrine which had gone into abeyance, the teaching of the "Mystical Body of Christ" and its social dimension in the Mass.  The reformer monk, like other reformers of the past, was anything but an ideal of the religious life.  He willfully violated the rubrics of the Mass, which is a mortal sin.  Like many revolutionaries, he had a long list of prescriptions which he claimed would address the "injustices" inherent in the Capitalist system, but while he he was short on actually describing how these systemic issues could be addressed, and just what their moral dimension was, he flaunted the authority of the organization he claimed to belong and it is our opinion that even then, long before the Vatican Council and its disasterous aftermath, that he was one of those who, like his mentors and guides, Dom Beauduin and Pius Parsch, worked assiduously to undermine it.

By the time after the Second Vatican Council when Paul VI agonized over the publication of the Church's Encyclical, Humanae Vitae, there were those, including Father Paul Marx's own brother who signed a declaration against it. But it wasn't the rebels who were disciplined and cast out, it was Father Paul Marx, himself an admirer of Father Michel, who was hounded and attacked by the Abbey and the modernists who hated him.

Here's an excerpt from Pine Curtain:

In 1980 the authorities at St. John's Abbey and St. John's University, by underhanded means, forced Father Marx to leave Collegeville and his Human Life Center and carry on his pro-life work elsewhere. The full story of this persecution is told in this book. Benedictines at St. John's, including Father Marx's own brother, Father Michael Marx, OSB, signed a statement contradicting Humanae vitae, Pope Paul IV's official teaching concerning contraception, and the faculty at St. John's University overwhelmingly refused to endorse a statement opposing abortion. Father Marx then went to Washington, with little but an automobile, and started Human Life International, which today is by far the largest pro-life institution in the world. In the same year Pope John Paul II told him: "You are doing the most important work on earth." - "Faithful for Life"

Link to Pine Curtain...

When Father Marx died last year. The present Abbot gave a "homily" which defended St. John's seamless garment approach to doctrine and its heritage of dissent from the rules.

In fact, we cited an article earlier which dealt with the Abbot's attempt to coopt Father Marx's legacy for St. John's, attempting to steal something they don't own.

You mentioned Cardinal Bernardin's Fordham University speech about the Seamless Garment. You implied or suggested this is what Fr. Marx stood for and fought for. Actually, Fr. Marx totally opposed Cardinal Bernardin's Seamless Garment rationale. He considered it a disaster for the anti-abortion movement for at least two reasons:

1.The Seamless Garment gives Catholics an excuse to vote for pro-abortion politicians on the specious theory that these politicians are, on balance, more pro-life than their anti-abortion opponents because they have good positions on some other issues that impact life. For example, I recall one Seamless Garment evaluation of politicians that rated Senator Ted Kennedy as much more "pro-life" than Senator Jesse Helms! (Kennedy consistently voted for abortion and for public funding of abortion, and Helms was probably the Senate's most stalwart opponent of abortion.)

It also seems we're not alone. Perhaps some of the German farmers in the area, good wholesome sorts, know the real story? Here's the billboard that's up around St. John's. It's not something you'd see at St. John's, because Collegeville, as anyone will tell you, undermines the Catholic Faith in its architecture and everything it does.
Father Marx, ora pro nobis, abolish St. John's

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Egyptian Army Crushes Christians With Armoured Vehicles

Edit:  the drivers of these vehicles look pretty determined to run people over.  There are thirty nine dead so far.

Remember when the secular media was excited about the so-called Arab Spring? 

It shouldn't take an expert in Middle Eastern Affairs to know what happens in the wake of an Arab Revolt. The passions run high and so even the Army and the government can't resist joining in.

Here's an excerpt of an eyewitness narrative of the events so far.

The march from the Cairo district of Shubra was huge, like the numbers on 28 January. In the front row was a group of men in long white bibs, “martyr upon demand” written on their chests. A tiny old lady walked among them, waving a large wooden cross: “God protect you my children, God protect you.”

The march started down Shubra Street around 4 pm, past its muddle of old apartment buildings, beat up and sad but still graceful compared with the constructions from the Mubarak era next to them - brutish and unfinished-looking.

A man explained why there were bigger numbers than the march last week in response to the attack on the St. George’s Church in Aswan: the army had hit a priest while violently dispersing Coptic protesters in front of the Maspiro state TV building on Wednesday. A video posted online showed a young man being brutally assaulted by army soldiers and riot police.