Monday, August 15, 2011

Irish Government Set to Nationalize Irish Church: Money Grab

 The Real Face of Republicanism
 Edit:  Elitism and narcissism, you say?  How about greed, envy and falsehood?  Ignoring its own role in child abuse, the Irish government is making a run for what it was after on its quest to destroy the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland.
If you want to see an analogous movement, you only have to look to similar situations in China, Elizabethan England, Gallican France and the Kingdom of Prussia till it became the Empire of Germany.

[Bloomberg] Ireland is squeezing the Roman Catholic Church to hand over cash and real estate toward a 1.4 billion-euro ($2 billion) child-abuse bill amid the bitterest stand-off yet seen between the Vatican and the government.

In the sharpest language an Irish leader has ever used against the church, Prime Minister Enda Kenny said last month the Vatican’s handling of the scandals has been dominated by “elitism and narcissism.”

“The relationship between the state and the Vatican has never been worse,” David Quinn, a religious commentator who is also director of the Dublin-based Iona Institute, which promotes religion in society, said in an interview. “I struggle to think of a stronger attack by a Western European leader on the church than Enda Kenny’s.”

Further at Bloomberg...

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