Sunday, September 4, 2011

USCCB News Organ Celebrates Pro-Abort Labor Secretary

Edit: can it really be that the USCCB is not only completely useless and expensive but evil as well? This catholic flavored public official "sometimes attends Mass" and even has some religious iconography in her office. The Catholic Faith motivates her. Did it motivate her to get a 100% approval rating from NARAL when she was a congressperson?  Here's the blurb from Catholic World Report:
Puff piece on labor secretary omits mention of pro-abortion stances
US Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis (CNS)
Anews brief on Catholic Culture highlights a recent article byMark Zimmerman for Catholic News Service, the editorially and financiallyindependent news media division of the United States Conference of CatholicBishops. The article in question – which will be running in diocesan newspapersall over the country in time for Labor Day – is a puff piece on US Labor SecretaryHilda Solis that focuses on her parents’ inspiring faith and tireless workethic, as well as how Solis’ Catholic faith “motivates” her.

We get a description of the crucifix and statue of MarySolis keeps in her office, and are told that she “sometimes attends Masses atthe Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in downtown Washington.” There is alsoa detailed account of Solis’ many efforts on behalf of the poor, especiallymigrant workers, during her tenure as a congresswoman from California and thenas labor secretary. Solis was the first woman to receive the prestigious JohnF. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award, “for her work on environmental justiceissues,” the article states.
However, thisglowing account of a Catholic public servant fails to mention a couple factsabout her time in office, including her 100% pro-choice rating from NARALPro-Choice America (and a corresponding 0% rating from the National Right toLife Committee). 

Read further, link....

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