Friday, September 2, 2011

Bishop of Linz: Obedience and Faith are Inseparable

Editor :This is one of the worst Diocese in Austria. It was the one where the conservative Father Wagner was heckled and harassed by Liberals not to receive his Mitre.  

Ludwig Schwarz in the Linz Church Times: We also have to think on that old saying of the Church: 'Ubi Petrus, ibi ecclesia' -- if there are those who expect to be priests, they should expect to be obedient.
Linz ( The Linz Diocesan Bishop Ludwig Schwarz has underlined for the "Call to Disobedience" of the Pastors' Initiative that there is a connection between Faith and obedience."If we look at Holy Scripture, we see from Abraham to the Mother of God, how inseparably Faith is bound to to obedience.

In addition it is also valid that the unbelief is founded in disobedience, as also is always announced," wrote the Bishop in a commentary on the current edition of the "Linz Church Times".Horizontal conflicts in the Church are "often the beginning of separations and in the consequence of countless estrangements from jealousies and straining after validation", continued Schwarz. "We are also called to think on that old saying of the Church: 'Ubi Petrus, ibi ecclesia' (Wherever Peter is, there is the Church)", recalled the Bishop of Linz on the function of the Pope's service to unity.

+Schwarz cited additionally from a sermon of Pope Benedict XVI, at World Youth Day in Madrid. At a Mass with a thousand seminarians Benedict XVI said that only those who set forth on the path to the priesthood, when the candidate is secure in his conviction and is prepared to be obedient."Those may cross on the way to the priesthood, who are convinced that God has called them to be His servant, and that they are going to act with complete conviction and obedience to the wisdom of the Church."

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