Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A "Miracle of the Sun" at Fatima After Beatification of John Paul II

 In Fatima immediately after the Beatification of John Paul II a "solar miracle" was reported -- kathtube-user has witnessed the unusual occurrence also for the 13th of May.

Fatima (kath.net) Was there another "miracle of the sun" after the Beatification of John Paul II?  This is the contention of at least some eyewitnesses, as kath.net has just learned.  This 'wonder' is said to have happened immediately after the celebration of John Paul II's Beatification on the 1st of May.  There was a rainbow cross formed around the sun.  Thousands of pilgrims and residents of Fatima concur that they have seen it who were at the location. Even the Bishop of Fatima, Serafim de Sousa, has acknowledged the event, but an official statement has not been made.

In Portugal and Poland the world media have also reported it.  Previously on the 13th of October 1917, a miracle of the sun was reported.  This was witnessed by at least 30,000 people in Cova da Iria.

An eyewitness of the event of the 13th of May reported on this noteworthy occurrence.  On kathTube some people witnessed unusual things in Fatima.  The User "Radfee" wrote:  We, my sister and I, stood about in the middle of the pilgrim square, near the barrier.  With many pilgrims we had our attention on Holy Mass, which was happening on the altar, which was projected on a big screen.  As from nothing, a murmur arose from the crowd, that suddenly drew our attention above to the sky.  It was an indescribable moment.  It was, as though everyone held their breath;  it was for me, as if for a moment time stood still.  Then a rousing applause broke from the crowd in joy and thanksgiving.  Many wept with joy and astonishment.  And, although the sun was powerfully blinding, it was hard for us to look back to the ground.  We are true Westphalians, therefore are not quick to be taken in, and have always been skeptical of extraordinary occurrences. 

From kath.net...

H/t: John Barry's Blog...

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