Sunday, February 6, 2011

Williams, IAR 221 Blog Post 4

Civilizations can be built on and focused across an axix. This is important to the structure of the corresponding spaces and the aesthetic quality. An axis gives balance, unites the area, and gives direction. An example of an axis that is off is the EUC and the walkway leading towards the parking garage area. They are slightly off center. The entrance to the library demonstrates examples of ionic capitals that support the curved roof over the porch area. This corresponds with the circle entrance in the EUC and also if you look directly across the axis, you see the Home economics building and this is on axis. It also repeats the theme of columns.

On the left is an example of the curved inside of the EUC before the hallways repeating the curved entrance to the building on the right. The entrance is curved tall glass, and the inside repeats this pattern by having an axis in the middle of the area within the circle and the floor patterns.

 The axis that goes through this one is on the music building and education building. This axis shows the main, most important even of the university. This means the most important buildings to the university are the library, the home economics building, the music building and the education building. So they are on this axis although they are not located directly in the middle of the school.

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