Remaining true to my acrostic fanaticism and in order to welcome a new faculty member to our University family, I created a karmic gift to say, "Syracuse says hello." Such playfulness is my way of channeling AnERip.
a poem for your arrival
R ivers. Siddhartha learned they are music, and
o n the banks of Vasudeva’s ferry (in the
c horus of movements, the chimes of fluidity, the
h armony of humming and the serenity of winds) – the
e nvironmental cacophony of everything can be learned:
l iving is laughing and laughing is learning & we must
l earn to laugh and live to learn more. We must
e arn the bliss that wisps from the kiss of each and every day.
D ate et dabitur vobis*
a s it was given unto others before us.
i sing the songs of southern blues, but
l atch upon the northern hues orchestrated in the Syracuse sky.
* (give and it shall be given unto you)
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