Monday, June 20, 2011

Let the Crow Eating Begin: Bishop Defends the Great Corapi

I do not know thee, depart from me...

Editor: A lot of people have been drawn in to the abuse craze and the abuse-hoax here by working wittingly or otherwise to perpetuate and substantiate stupidity of these uncanonical and therefore unjust zero tolerance polices. All you need is an accusation to suspend someone. So, some anonymous person makes a phone call, and all of a sudden, boom, Father McBrien is out of a job teaching at Notre Dame? Well, I'm sure that if Father McBrien were accused of abuse, the application of the procedure would be very different.

This whole thing is dishonest and people shouldn't be surprised when the special pleading the Bishops have been engaging in for the last forty-plus years comes back to haunt them.

Don't mean to pick too much on Mark Shea. He still thinks Father Corapi violated his vows, but at least he apologized. His vitriol has been pretty typical of a lot of people who should know better, like here. Anyhow, some people are going to eat their crow for being unreasonable and others aren't.

And speaking of dishonesty, "Catholic" Online can't even get the story straight. Father Corapi isn't leaving the Church. Last time we checked, Catholic Online was stealing an artist's work and not crediting them with it.

Here's a great response to clear up some of the "hoo-ha" in this "kerfluffle":



Great Pyrenees Sheep Dog Guarding the Flock

The fact that he has chosen the nom de plume of The Black Sheep Dog is revealing:  he cares for the flock of sheep he has been ministering to all these years, sheep that he well knows are of the Lord’s flock, not his.
As a suspended priest he cannot function publicly as a priest, but he can continue to evangelize as long as he does not present himself to the public as a priest.
Every baptized person is given the obligation of being a witness to the truth, of being an evangelizer.  In Father Corapi’s case, the obligation is all the greater in view of the gift of the sacramental priesthood he has been given.  Prevented (hopefully only temporarily) from exercising that priesthood in a public manner during his suspension, he is aware of his obligation to be a witness to the truth and to continue to evangelize.  He evidently intends to do so until his suspension is lifted not as Father John Corapi but as The Black Sheep Dog.

Read further...

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