Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Soviet-style Jesuit Reads Bad Poetry at "Catholic" School

Editor: Here's a puff piece in the Washington Post that not only fawns over Jesuit Ernesto Cardenal, it describes his Marxist struggle as one "struggling against injustice". The poor do not need such spokesmen. Calling the murderous Marxist uprising "a beautiful Revolution", the decayed Jesuit spoke to what looks like a crowd of tens at Loyola University in Baltimore, Maryland.

Even if the administration of this Jesuit school lacks the Faith, there are a few remaining who have it:

Cardenal’s appearances in the United States to promote his latest work were greeted with hostility among some conservative Catholics. Thousands of protest letters spurred by the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, known by the acronym TFP, were sent to officials at Xavier University in Ohio and Loyola.

“Inviting Fr. Cardenal to speak at a Catholic university is like welcoming a wolf into a hen house,” John Ritchie, TFP’s student action director, wrote in an e-mail. “It’s a scandal that Xavier University and Loyola University (Maryland) hosted this man. His radical Marxist views are not only flawed, but also detrimental to the faith and incompatible with the teaching of the Church.”

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Sky wallpaper

Chief Director of L'Osseratore Romano: healed by the Intercession of Pius X

"For that reason I foster a profound veneration for him" -- Chief Director Giovanni Maria Vian was close to death at the age of two from diphtheria.

Vatikan (kath.net/CNS) The Chief Director of L'Osservatore Romano, Giovanni Maria Viari, recalled how he called upon the intercession of Pope Pius X when he suffered a life threatening diphtheria infection. "For that reason I foster a deep veneration for him", said Vian in an interview with "Il Consultante Re".

In 1954 Vian lay sick with a diagnosis as a twelve year old boy with life threatening diphtheria. On the eve of the canonization of Pius X by Pius XII, a Spanish priest, who was a friend of Vian's father suggested that the family might ask for the veneration of Pope Pius X. The family already felt closely connected to the Treviso born Pope in the same neighborhood that the family came from. After the priest celebrated Mass on the tomb of St. Pius X, "I was healed", said Vian.

Link to original kath.net...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Father Stravinskas Dismisses Homeschooling

Editor: We've always thought that Father Stravinskas was too liberal. If you'll look at the poll taken at Our Sunday Visitor, you'll see that the support for homeschooling seems enormous, over seventy one percent of those responding at this point. Here's a report:

[Deliberations of the Senechal] In an apparent override of Natural law, common sense, and the Magisterium of the Church, Our Sunday Visitor has published an interview with the formerly respectable and orthodox Priest, Fr. Peter Stravinskas. After this article however, I will never again apply the glorious label of orthodoxy to this cleric.

In this interview, which includes unsupportable claims, unidentified references to "The Church Fathers", and flat-out falsehoods, Fr. Stravinskas attempts to portray parents who choose to homeschool their children as "psychologically unhealthy", "anti-clerical", and, to top it all off "a church within a church".

I very much wonder where Father has gotten this information, has he actually taken the time to get to know any of these "elitist" homeschooling families, or is he just towing the line of the (FAILED) Catholic educational system? Having spent large amounts of time among both homeschooled students, and products of Catholic education, I must insist on the exact opposite of Father's surmise. In the company of homeschooled students, I have almost invariably found a honest quest for truth, the capacity for articulate discussion, and indeed, keen insights.

Read further, here.

Political voice, social activist Thomas Roeser dies at 82 - Chicago Sun-Times

Editor: He was a voice in the wilderness calling attention to a crisis among the decadent Benedictines at his alma mater.

Political voice, social activist Thomas Roeser dies at 82 - Chicago Sun-Times

Malta : votes ‘yes’ to divorce in referendum

TheStar Malta votes ‘yes’ to divorce in referendum

Sex Abuse Rocks Lutheran Church in Germany

Editor: Last year, the world's first female Lutheran Bishop, Maria Jepsen, was forced to resign under suspicion that she had covered up abuse. The case received almost no coverage in the English speaking press at all

North Elba Lutheran Church struggles with accusations of covering up a serious case of sexual abuse.

Ahrensburg (kath.net/idea) In connection with the most serious case of sexual abuse in the North Elba Church, Heidi Emse the former Provost is defending herself against accusations that she had covered it up. She became aware of occurrences in the Church Community of Ahrensburg near Hamburg in 1999. From the seventies to the eighties, former Pastor Gert-Dietrich Kohl (73) had admitted to committing the crime in the meantime against 22 children and adolescents, among whom were three of his five stepsons. The crimes have passed the statute of limitations.

The president of the North Elba Church, Bishop Gerhard Ulrich (Schleswig)conceded a lapse in supervision, actually the church leadership followed the direction of their consultants, to introduce disciplinary action against Emse. This will now make certain that things will in no way be veiled. In retrospect they are viewing this solely as negligence, that the procedure had not been properly documented. They had been informed by the church office by telephone in 1999 about the suspicion before her time in office about the child abuse. Kohl was then reassigned. She's explained that it was dealt with administratively. A year later she learned that he was working in juvenile law enforcement. Thereupon she applied to the church office. Then Kohl was put on early retirement. Taking this into consideration, the Ahrensburger Church Board had expressed confusion about the decision of the Church leadership being directed against Emse. This could have been done with greater clarity.

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Second Chance for Cloister Weingarten? Fast Growing Community Wants to Move In

The decadent Benedictines have left the Monastery as of September 2009. In the meantime the priests, who are wearing in any case black habits, have come for a look around.

(kreuz.net, Weingarten) It's possible that the New Rite ironclad French Priestly Society ‘Communauté de Saint Martin’ will take over the abandoned Benedictine Cloister Weingarten in the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart.

Priests of the Society have already inspected the Cloister.

This was according to the speaker of the Old Liberal Diocese, Thomas Broich, of the ‘Schwäbischen Tageszeitung’.

The upper Swabian Benedictine Cloister Weingarten closed its doors at the end of September 2009.

The Cloister has one of the world famous Baroque Basilicas, which was founded in 1056.

Like Holy Water to the Devil

The neo-Conservative Priestly Society of St. Martin was founded by Cardinal Giuseppe Siri of Genoa († 1989).

The first members were refugees from France who were trying to flee the decadence of their homeland.

So they are active, besides France, only in Italy and Cuba.

The Society has shown powerful growth.

It has about seventy priests and deacons as well as about forty seminarians, who always wear Soutanes.

The group is strongly oriented to the New Rite and follow the guidelines like no one else.

Therefore there it is practically the de facto particular rite of the Society.

The talks have already been widely fruitful

Besides the large ecclesiastical political differences between the Bishop of Rottenburg-Stuttgart and the Priestly Society, the Diocesan speaker describes the talks as "intensive and good".

A positive outcome for the management of the Cloister would be conceivable --- says the speaker:

"Both sides need to take time for evaluation and thought."

In February Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Maria Renz (53) of Rottenburg-Stuttgart will travel to France for further discussions.

Perhaps the 'Society of St. Martin' will see the finger of God in that the location of the Cloister Weingarte is on the Martin's Mountain.

Link to origional.... kreuz.net...

Holy Father: "Catholicism is Impossible Without Mary"

Vatikan. Yesterday the Pope received a twenty member delegation of the Marian Congregation for men from Regensburg. The Pope reminisced that seventy years before he joined this Congregation as a fourteen-year old - he said in his speech: „We were taken up to the Congregation, but immediately after that the war began against Russia, then the Seminar was scattered and the Kongregation had been scattered to the four winds. “It was, however, made clear to them, „that Catholicism without Mary's meditation cannot be“.

Link to kreuz.net....

New Society Church Blessed in Cologne

Germany.  Yesterday, the German District Superior of the Society of St. Pius X, Father Franz Schmidberger, blessed the Church of the Three Kings in Cologne.  In his sermon, Father Schmidberger thanked the faithful, who had, with Father Matthias Grünhad made the building of newly blessed church, possible.  In the foreground of the consecration Fr. Schmidberger asked to meet with Cardinal Joachim Meisner of Cologne.  The German Website of the Society of Pius X said nothing about whether the Cardinal had allowed the audience.  Few extreme left anti-Christians demonstrated aimlessly and senselessly against the Church blessing.

Link to original...kreuz.net...

Traditional Latin Mass in Jerusalem

Holy Land Already since about a year a priest celebrates Mass in the Old Rite for the Religious Community of the "Franciscans of the Immaculata" in the Collegium Terra Sancta in Jerusalem. This was reported by e-mail on the website 'messainlatino.it'. As a minister there are Seminarians of the Student Center of the Salesians in Jerusalem. The interest in the Immemorial is enormous -- says the priest.

From kreuz.net...

Nepalese King Advocates Return

Editor:  After the Communists forced the end of the Monarchy, things haven't been going so well.

Amid escalating uncertainties regarding the extension of Constituent Assembly (CA)’s term, Former King Gyanendra Shah has proposed the revival of monarchy in the nation.

It is learnt that Shah, in a dinner meeting convened with Alok Joshi, official of an Indian intelligence agency, said that assistance will be sought from the Rastriya Prajatantra Party-Nepal (RPP-N), among other parties, to revive monarchy in one form or the other, provided that the CA’s term is not extended in the nation.

Parties rooting for monarchy will initiate protests within a few days if the CA is dissolved, sources close to the former king informed.

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Extraordinary Jewish Converts Arrested and Sent to Auschwitz

Editor: This is actually part of a series in its last part.

"For the Novitiate of Koningshoeven!“
Trappist in Cloister Koningshoeven

During their deportation to Auschwitz six Loeb-Sisters met Edith Stein as well.  by Anscar Christensen

(kreuz.net) After the Pastoral Protest Letter of the Dutch Bishops against National Socialism in 1942 all Catholics of Jewish descent were arrested in the Netherlands.

Among them they found three sons and three siblings of the Jewish Loeb family. They lived as Trappists in two Dutch Cloisters.

The time of their captivity found the Loebs in a brilliant society: Doctors, Intellectuals, educated Dominicans and a great Carmelite, Sister Benedicta a Cruce Edith Stein.

Because of her strong character, Sister Benedicta was the natural leader of the group of deported Jewish religious. The Holy Office and the Rosary was prayed in common.

Witnesses reported that both Loeb priests comforted them and heard their confessions. The Sisters were brave and helpful -- especially to the children.

We don't know anything more than this. The group was sent to the fearful Camp of Auschwitz in Poland. A National Socialist document soberly reported their birth and day of death: August and September 1942.

It was and unconfirmed report from an anonymous letter after that Fathers Ignatius and Nivardus Loeb together with two Polish and two Greek priests were shot, because they had heard confessions.

Father Nivardus, the former assitant of the novice master, called, before the bullets of the firing squad hit him: "For the Novitiate in Koningshoeven!

Sister Veronika Loeb, who contracted a serious case of tuberculosis during their incarceration, was later sent by the SS to the infamous Concentration Camp Westerbork.

Actually after only eight or ten days they let her free again. Her superior sent her thereafter to various hospitals. Finally she died on August 1944 in the Cloister.

The youngest Loeb-brother, Hans, who had not entered into the Cloister, was in any case arrested and was forced to work in a Polish zinc mine.

As the Soviet Troops neared, he was put on an open truck wagon and transported west. He suffered severe frostbite on his feet and died in February 1945 in an infirmary in Auschwitz.

Paula -- the youngest child of family Loeb -- married in Holland. During the war she was hidden in the house of a courageous Catholic in Nijmagen.

She is the only living member of the extraordinary family Loeb.

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A Surprise Candidate Will be the President of the Catholic University of Eichstätt

So that the alleged Catholic University can continue to be mired and never constitute an actual break with Catholicism, the newly chosen must fulfill a service above all:  He must not step on the Old Liberal's feet.

© Pressefoto Universität Eichstätt
(kreuz.net, Eichstätt)  Today the University Boar of the Catholic University of  Eichstätt chose a new president on the third try.

This was according to the University in a press release.

Already in the first ballot, there was a two thirds majority for the weighty Dominican, Fr. Richard Schenk.

Father Schenk comes from the USA. His family wandered from Germany about a hundred years ago to California.

The plain clothes Dominican will take up his office on the first of October.

He will replace the Old Liberal Berlin Moral Theologian Andreas Lob-Hüdepohl (48).

He provisionally directed the University since the summer of 2009.

Lob-Hüdelpohl was also a front running candidate for the election for prisident.

He was held to be the favorite.

The Coffee Machine

Father Schenk studied philosophy in California and Theology in Munich.

There, he received his doctorate from the Conservative Dogmatic Theologian Leo Cardinal Scheffczyk († 2005) with a work about St. Thomas Aquinas, the Jesuit Karl Rahner († 1984)and the Philosopher Martin Heidigger († 1976).

In 1971 he entered the Dominican Province in California.

He was ordained in 1978 to the priesthood.

Since then he has taught history at various faculties.

From 1991 to 2000 he served as director for the „Forschungsinstituts für Philosophie Hannover“ founded by Bishop von Hildesheim in 1988.

From 1999 to 2003 he was the Regent of Studies for the Western Province of the US Dominicans.

From 2003- 2005 he was the Director of the interreligious "Intercultural Forum for Studies in Faith and Culture" at the John Paull II in Washington D.C.

In addition, Father Schenk has been a member since 1991 of the "European Academy of Arts and Sciences" in Salzburg.

For the question about what he wanted to do on his first day, Father said: "Order my espresso machine".

As per the German ‘Katholischen Nachrichtenagentur’, the plain clothes Dominican will make the Uniersity "more international, ecumenical and interreligious".

On the other site, Father is deemed as intelligent, faithful, but in liturgical things, indifferent.

It is therefore to be doubted that the decadent University can be set on a course of reform.

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Father Fessio Being Accused by "SNAP" of Covering up for Homosexual Predator

Editor: Back in the 1960s, Father McGuire has long been credibly accused of having molested two boys.  For over 36 [even 50?] years since then, the Jesuits have been covering up for him, destroying records, despite the fact that he was continuing this evil behavior. NPR covered this, conveniently, back in 2006.

[NPR] The first signs of trouble surfaced in 1969, in a case that would eventually result in McGuire's criminal conviction. A 14-year old freshman at Loyola Academy, a high school near Chicago, met Father McGuire when the young priest was assigned to be his counselor. McGuire soon persuaded the teenager and his father to let him board at the school. McGuire said the boy would sleep in a nearby room. But McGuire immediately moved the boy to his own room and "then the abuse turned physical," according to the victim, now 51 years old.
"There's only one bed inside the room, so sleeping quarters were to sleep in the same bed together," the man said in a phone interview.
As recently as 2005, the Jesuits said they had no knowledge of this. But documents suggest they did. The boy had told his parish priest about the abuse. The priest wrote the Jesuits running the school in November 1969, and Pearlman has a copy of that letter. The said the Jesuits told him they would take care of McGuire. They put McGuire on sabbatical, and he did not return to the school. But three years later, the then-teenager realized they had not done enough.
"I was walking down one of the lanes at Loyola University," he told NPR, "and ran smack dab into Father McGuire toting a little boy with him, in the ages of like 13 to 14 years old."

Now, it is being alleged that not only the Jesuits, but the famed Father Fessio knew about this as well, while McGuire gave classes at the Ignatius Institute in San Francisco.  The SNAP press release insists that Father Fessio knew about the priest's crimes but did not report it to police.  SNAP is an overzealous professional victim's organization, but the Jesuit's are infamous for their capacity to ignore reality in this wise, and permit homosexuals to work in their ranks even when they're sexually active:  one might even say, especially.

McGuire worked at USF from 1976 to 1981 where he taught within the St. Ignatius Institute, a conservative liberal arts program run by Fr. Joseph Fessio. Fessio is the US publisher for all of Pope Benedict’s writing (including Benedict's latest book, Light of the World). According to court and public documents, Fessio knew about McGuire's crimes, but never told law enforcement.

We've always been skeptical of Father Fessio.  He was promoting Cardinal Schoenborn's books and defended the Danube Prelate when he was defending his decision to allow the blasphemous homosexual art of Hrdlika not only at the Vienna Cathedral Museum, but also in the St. Barbara Chapel itself.  Hrdlika was even given a burial on consecrated ground with a momento of his "art" as a gravestone to a choir singing Communist hymns.

H/t: Helen Westover

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cardinal Lehman Refuses "Non-Sense" Request for Confirmatinon in Old Mass

German cardinal rejects 'nonsense' request for Confirmation in extraordinary form


Editor: the chance to have him retire has come and gone.  He has some health problems but Germany could be stuck with him for another five or six years.

Catholic World News
May 26, 2011

A German cardinal has said that it is "nonsense" for Catholics to seek Confirmation in the traditional rite. He's one of the worst Cardinals we've ever had.

Cardinal Karl Lehmann on Mainz, the former president of the German bishops' conference, said that he is following the directions of Pope Benedict XVI, and making the extraordinary form available to the faithful in his archdiocese in "5 or 6" churches. But he indicated that he thought Catholics were going too far when they asked to use the traditional liturgy for Confirmation. "I will not do it," he said bluntly.

Source(s): Lehmann: Für Firmung im alten Ritus 'sollen sie woanders hinreisen' (Kath.net) http://www.kath.net/detail.php?id=31592

H/t Tom at AQ

Vatican Says Condom Campaigns Increase AIDS Risk

Editor: Can the utter and immoral cruelty of the modern world be darker than that of the old, or like a mirror can we look to the past and see things clearly as if for the first time, the things we've always really known? Herod imprisoned St. John the Baptist because the Baptist courageously preached against the King's adultery. The Church preaches against the infidelity, the moral failure of the world, and the result will likely be the same.

Vatican newspaper article says condom campaigns increase AIDS risk
By John Thavis
Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- An article in the Vatican newspaper said that, on a practical level, condom campaigns increase the possibility of AIDS infection by promoting a false sense of security.

On a moral level, the article said, condom use by married couples goes against the church's teaching about responsible procreation because it "deforms" the conjugal act.

The article was written by Father Juan Perez-Soba, a moral theologian who teaches in Rome at the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family. It appeared in L'Osservatore Romano May 24, three days before the start of a major Vatican conference that was expected to clarify church teaching on AIDS.

Read further...

Photo from, here

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Will Saint Paul's Writings Be Removed From the Bible by the Socialist USCCB?

Editor: Soft Marxism continues its iron-clad rule over the Catholic Church in America as the non-authoritative and feminized Socialist pressure group, the USCCB, declares the Bible to be erroneous and outside of the Catholic Church, and if you hold what's in the Bible, you're outside of It too. This is from Micheal Hoffman's blog:

The Excommunication of St. Paul the Apostle by the Inmates of the Asylum known as the Post-Conciliar Roman Catholic Church

By Michael Hoffman • www.revisionisthistory.org

Catholics "cannot hold" to St. Paul's declaration in 1 Thessalonians 2: 14-16 "without falling out of communion with the Catholic Church"

For you, brethren, are become followers of the churches of God which are in Judea, in Christ Jesus: for you also have suffered the same things from your own countrymen, even as they have from the Jews, Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men...

From Mike Hoffman, here.

Old Mass: Some Will Force Hand Communion

Editor: Kreuz.net refers to hand Communion as being sacrilegious, we don't.

As expected the German Bishops are attempting to construe the generous allowance for the Old Mass with "arbitrarily and restrictively".

(kreuz.net) "Even in the community there have been those set apart, because faithful -- who apparently have come with the purpose -- to force communion in the hand on the Old Rite."

This is according to the famous Paster Henrick Jolie from the Diocese of Mainz on the 20th of May in an interview with the German website 'katholisches.info'.

The horror of Communion in the Hand at the Old Mass

Fr. Jolie would have liked that the Pope would have introduced the question of hand Communion in the recent instruction on the Motu Proprio 'Summorum Pntificum'.

Because: "There are Diocese in which hand Communion is given at the Old Mass".

Individual Bishops had even instructed their priests -- in contravention to the Liturgical norms--, not to refuse the sacrilegious communion in the hand.

Bishops react with Arbitrariness

Fr. Jolie is pleased that the Instruction insisted that the stable groups, which can request the Old Mass, don't have to come from the same Diocese or Parish.

That is for him an indirect criticism on diverse Diocesan "implementation regulations", which have been published in the wake of 'Summorum Pontificum':

"Here is where completely arbitrary restrictions are decreed."

They have attempted to define "narrowly and as expected, restrictively" the size or the composition of these groups of believers.

There's no relying on Rome

Fr. Jolie views has skepticism that the faithful have been offered the possibility of appealing their right with respect to the Old Mass to Rome:

"We know, how the Roman Community have dealt with the court of appeals over liturgical abuses."

Because: "The Canons have changed nothing."

[another article follows this one, soon]\

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Orthodox and Catholics Present Pope with Papal Tiara

Wow, this is simply wonderful. Orbis Catholicus has these photos, here, of the Holy Father being presented with a Papal Tiara.

Where's that girl's white mantilla, and, is she married?

Wedding wallpaper